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Yirmi Yedinci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"You are comparing your belief with that of the Companions, but how can there be any comparison? For despite your seeing with the mind’s eye, not the Messenger’s (PBUH) humanity and bodily form, which was the seed of the Tuba-tree of his prophethood, but through all the lights of Islam and truths of the Qur’an, his luminous, magnificent collective personality, encompassed by a thousand miracles, you waver and fall into doubt at the word of a Europea..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("'''THE ANSWER:''' At that time, when all ideas were opposed and hostile to the truths of Islam, the Companions believed so strongly –sometimes on only seeing the person of God’s Messenger (PBUH) and without miracles– that all the generally held ideas in the world did not shake them. Let alone doubts, they did not even cause some of them the slightest anxiety or scruple." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("You are comparing your belief with that of the Companions, but how can there be any comparison? For despite your seeing with the mind’s eye, not the Messenger’s (PBUH) humanity and bodily form, which was the seed of the Tuba-tree of his prophethood, but through all the lights of Islam and truths of the Qur’an, his luminous, magnificent collective personality, encompassed by a thousand miracles, you waver and fall into doubt at the word of a Europea..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
244. satır: 244. satır:
'''THE ANSWER:''' At that time, when all ideas were opposed and hostile to the truths of Islam, the Companions believed so strongly –sometimes on only seeing the person of God’s Messenger (PBUH) and without miracles– that all the generally held ideas in the world did not shake them. Let alone doubts, they did not even cause some of them the slightest anxiety or scruple.
'''THE ANSWER:''' At that time, when all ideas were opposed and hostile to the truths of Islam, the Companions believed so strongly –sometimes on only seeing the person of God’s Messenger (PBUH) and without miracles– that all the generally held ideas in the world did not shake them. Let alone doubts, they did not even cause some of them the slightest anxiety or scruple.

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You are comparing your belief with that of the Companions, but how can there be any comparison? For despite your seeing with the mind’s eye, not the Messenger’s (PBUH) humanity and bodily form, which was the seed of the Tuba-tree of his prophethood, but through all the lights of Islam and truths of the Qur’an, his luminous, magnificent collective personality, encompassed by a thousand miracles, you waver and fall into doubt at the word of a European philosopher. Yet due to their belief, the Companions did not waver in the face of the attacks of the entire world of unbelief and of the Christians, Jews, and philosophers? And how can you compare the intense fear of God of the Companions and their complete righteousness, which  demonstrated the strength of their belief and proceeded from it, and your dull belief, which due to your extreme  weakness  does  not  impel  you  to  perform  even  the  obligatory  practices completely, O you who make such a claim!?
Sizler iseniz kendi imanınızı, sahabelerin imanlarıyla muvazene ediyorsunuz. Bütün efkâr-ı âmme-i İslâmiye, imanınıza kuvvet ve senet olduğu halde; Resul-i Ekrem aleyhissalâtü vesselâmın şecere-i tûba-i nübüvvetinin çekirdeği olan beşeriyeti ve suret-i cismaniyesini değil belki umum envar-ı İslâmiye ve hakaik-i Kur’aniye ile nurani muhteşem şahs-ı manevîsini bin mu’cizat ile muhat olarak akıl gözüyle gördüğünüz halde, bir Avrupa feylesofunun sözüyle vesveseye ve şüpheye düşen imanınız nerede? Bütün âlem-i küfrün ve Nasâra ve Yehud’un ve feylesofların hücumlarına karşı sarsılmayan sahabelerin imanları nerede? Hem sahabelerin kuvvet-i imanlarını gösteren ve imanlarının tereşşuhatı olan şiddet-i takvaları ve kemal-i salahatleri nerede? Ey müddeî! Senin şiddet-i zaafından, feraizi tamamıyla senden göstermeyen sönük imanın nerede?

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