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On Birinci Şuâ/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"The Risale-i Nur, and the Twenty-Fifth Word and its Addenda in particular, which prove in summary forty aspects of the Qur’an’s miraculousness, and the Qur’anic commentary, Isharat al-I’jaz, from the Arabic Risale-i Nur, which in wondrous fashion proves the aspect of the Qur’an’s miraculousness in its word-order, have demonstrated in fact that in the Meccan suras and verses are the highest styles of eloquence and the most elevated, concise m..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
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("The Risale-i Nur, and the Twenty-Fifth Word and its Addenda in particular, which prove in summary forty aspects of the Qur’an’s miraculousness, and the Qur’anic commentary, Isharat al-I’jaz, from the Arabic Risale-i Nur, which in wondrous fashion proves the aspect of the Qur’an’s miraculousness in its word-order, have demonstrated in fact that in the Meccan suras and verses are the highest styles of eloquence and the most elevated, concise m..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
613. satır: 613. satır:
The wisdom and meaning of the Meccan and Medinan Suras in the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition being different in regard to eloquence, miraculousness, and detail and brevity is as follows:
The wisdom and meaning of the Meccan and Medinan Suras in the Qur’an of Miraculous Exposition being different in regard to eloquence, miraculousness, and detail and brevity is as follows:

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In Mecca, the first line of those it was addressing and those opposed to it were the idolators of the Quraysh and untaught tribesmen, so a powerful and elevated rhetorical style was necessary, and a miraculous, convincing, persuasive conciseness. And in order to  establish it, repetition was  required. Thus, in most of the Meccan suras, repeating and expressing the pillars of belief and degrees in the affirmation of Divine unity with a most powerful, elevated, and  miraculous  conciseness, it proved so powerfully the first creation and the Resurrection, God and the hereafter, not only in a single page, verse, sentence or word, but sometimes in a letter, through grammatical devices like altering the positions of the words or sentences, making a word indefinite, and omissions and inclusions, that the geniuses and leaders of the science of rhetoric met it with wonder.
Mekke’de birinci safta muhatap ve muarızları, Kureyş müşrikleri ve ümmileri olduğundan belâgatça kuvvetli bir üslub-u âlî ve îcazlı, mukni, kanaat verici bir icmal ve tesbit için tekrar lâzım geldiğinden ekseriyetçe Mekkî sureleri erkân-ı imaniyeyi ve tevhidin mertebelerini gayet kuvvetli ve yüksek ve i’cazlı bir îcaz ile ifade ve tekrar ederek mebde ve meâdi, Allah’ı ve âhireti, değil yalnız bir sahifede, bir âyette, bir cümlede, bir kelimede belki bazen bir harfte ve takdim-tehir, tarif-tenkir ve hazf-zikir gibi heyetlerde öyle kuvvetli ispat eder ki ilm-i belâgatın dâhî imamları hayretle karşılamışlar.

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The Risale-i Nur, and the Twenty-Fifth Word and its Addenda in particular, which prove in summary forty aspects of the Qur’an’s miraculousness, and the Qur’anic commentary, Isharat al-I’jaz,  from the Arabic Risale-i Nur, which in wondrous fashion proves the aspect of the Qur’an’s miraculousness in its word-order, have demonstrated in fact that in the Meccan suras and verses are the highest styles of eloquence and the most elevated, concise miraculousness.
Risale-i Nur ve bilhassa Kur’an’ın kırk vech-i i’cazını icmalen ispat eden Yirmi Beşinci Söz, zeylleriyle beraber ve nazımdaki vech-i i’cazı hârika bir tarzda beyan ve ispat eden Arabî Risale-i Nur’dan İşaratü’l-İ’caz tefsiri bilfiil göstermişler ki Mekkî sure ve âyetlerde en âlî bir üslub-u belâgat ve en yüksek bir i’caz-ı îcazî vardır.

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