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Hutbe-i Şamiye/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Since public order and security have been overturned through mankind’s evident and ghastly lying and wilful misrepresentations, and through its abuse of benefits, mankind is clearly commanded and compelled to close the third way. Otherwise, the world wars, hideous revolutions, and decline and destruction that humanity has suffered in the past half-century will bring down some overwhelming disaster on men’s heads." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("اَن۟ لَا يُذَلِّلَ وَ لَا يَتَذَلَّلَ مَن۟ كَانَ عَب۟دًا لِلّٰهِ لَا يَكُونُ عَب۟دًا لِل۟عِبَادِ لَا يَج۟عَل۟ بَع۟ضُكُم۟ بَع۟ضًا اَر۟بَابًا مِن۟ دُونِ اللّٰهِ ۝ نَعَم۟ اَل۟حُرِّيَّةُ الشَّر۟عِيَّةُ عَطِيَّةُ الرَّح۟مٰنِ" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Since public order and security have been overturned through mankind’s evident and ghastly lying and wilful misrepresentations, and through its abuse of benefits, mankind is clearly commanded and compelled to close the third way. Otherwise, the world wars, hideous revolutions, and decline and destruction that humanity has suffered in the past half-century will bring down some overwhelming disaster on men’s heads." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
354. satır: 354. satır:
Belief necessitates not humiliating others through oppression and despotism and not degrading them, and secondly, not abasing oneself before tyrants. Someone who is a true servant of God cannot be a slave to others. Do not make anyone other than God lord over yourselves. That is to say, someone who does not recognize God ascribes relative degrees of mastery to everything and everyone, and piles worries on his own head. For sure, the freedom born of the Shari‘a is a bounty of Almighty God through the manifestation of His Names of All-Merciful and All-Compassionate; it is a characteristic of belief.
Belief necessitates not humiliating others through oppression and despotism and not degrading them, and secondly, not abasing oneself before tyrants. Someone who is a true servant of God cannot be a slave to others. Do not make anyone other than God lord over yourselves. That is to say, someone who does not recognize God ascribes relative degrees of mastery to everything and everyone, and piles worries on his own head. For sure, the freedom born of the Shari‘a is a bounty of Almighty God through the manifestation of His Names of All-Merciful and All-Compassionate; it is a characteristic of belief.

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فَل۟يَح۟يَا الصِّد۟قُ وَلَا عَاشَ ال۟يَا۟سُ
فَل۟يَح۟يَا الصِّد۟قُ وَلَا عَاشَ ال۟يَا۟سُ
فَل۟تَدُمِ ال۟مَحَبَّةُ وَل۟تَق۟وَى الشُّورٰى
فَل۟تَدُمِ ال۟مَحَبَّةُ وَل۟تَق۟وَى الشُّورٰى
وَال۟مَلَامُ عَلٰى مَنِ اتَّبَعَ ال۟هَوٰى
وَال۟مَلَامُ عَلٰى مَنِ اتَّبَعَ ال۟هَوٰى
وَالسَّلَامُ عَلٰى مَنِ اتَّبَعَ ال۟هُدٰى
وَالسَّلَامُ عَلٰى مَنِ اتَّبَعَ ال۟هُدٰى

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Long live truthfulness! Death to despair! Let love endure! Let mutual consultation find strength! Let those who follow their own whims and desires be the object of blame, reproach and detestation! And on those who follow right-guidance be peace and well-being! AMEN.
Yaşasın sıdk! Ölsün yeis! Muhabbet devam etsin! Şûra kuvvet bulsun! Bütün levm ve itab ve nefret, heva ve hevese tabi olanlara olsun. Selâm ve selâmet, hüdaya tabi olanlar üstüne olsun, âmin!

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'''If it is asked:'''Why do you attach this much importance to mutual consultation? And how may the life and progress of mankind, in particular Asia, and particularly Islam, be achieved through mutual consultation?
'''Eğer denilse:''' Neden şûraya bu kadar ehemmiyet veriyorsun? Ve beşerin hususan Asya’nın hususan İslâmiyet’in hayatı ve terakkisi nasıl o şûra ile olabilir?

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