İçeriğe atla

On Altıncı Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"To attain to a shadow or a ray of this reality of the prayers either in fact, or by intention, or with the imagination, is a great happiness." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("The repetition of ‘God is Most Great! God is Most Great!’ in the actions of the prayers indicates rising through the degrees of spiritual progress, and ascending from minor particulars to universal spheres, and is a concise title of the perfections of Divine sublimity which are beyond our knowledge. It is as if each ‘God is Most Great!’ indicates traversing a step in the Ascension." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("To attain to a shadow or a ray of this reality of the prayers either in fact, or by intention, or with the imagination, is a great happiness." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
111. satır: 111. satır:
The repetition of ‘God is Most Great! God is Most Great!’ in the actions of the prayers indicates rising through  the  degrees  of  spiritual  progress,  and  ascending  from  minor  particulars  to universal spheres, and is a concise title of the perfections of Divine sublimity which are beyond our knowledge. It is as if each ‘God is Most Great!’ indicates traversing a step in the Ascension.
The repetition of ‘God is Most Great! God is Most Great!’ in the actions of the prayers indicates rising through  the  degrees  of  spiritual  progress,  and  ascending  from  minor  particulars  to universal spheres, and is a concise title of the perfections of Divine sublimity which are beyond our knowledge. It is as if each ‘God is Most Great!’ indicates traversing a step in the Ascension.

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To attain to a shadow or a ray of this reality of the prayers either in fact, or by intention, or with the imagination, is a great happiness.
İşte şu hakikat-i salâttan manen veya niyeten veya tasavvuren veya hayalen bir gölgesine, bir şuâına mazhariyet dahi büyük bir saadettir.

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