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Yirmi Beşinci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"In your godlessness you revolt in the lands of a Sovereign so Glorious that among His forces are some which, it is not insignificant powerless creatures like you, but supposing the impossible you were infidel enemies the size of mountains or the globe, they could hurl down stars and flaming missiles on you of that magnitude and rout you." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("In your rebelliousness you oppose an All-Wise and Glorious One Who has obedient soldiers which are thus awesome. Suppose your satans were to resist, His soldiers could rain down stones on them like cannon-balls." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("In your godlessness you revolt in the lands of a Sovereign so Glorious that among His forces are some which, it is not insignificant powerless creatures like you, but supposing the impossible you were infidel enemies the size of mountains or the globe, they could hurl down stars and flaming missiles on you of that magnitude and rout you." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
234. satır: 234. satır:
In your rebelliousness you oppose an All-Wise and Glorious One Who has obedient soldiers which are thus awesome. Suppose your satans were to resist,  His  soldiers  could  rain  down  stones  on  them  like  cannon-balls.
In your rebelliousness you oppose an All-Wise and Glorious One Who has obedient soldiers which are thus awesome. Suppose your satans were to resist,  His  soldiers  could  rain  down  stones  on  them  like  cannon-balls.

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In  your godlessness you revolt in the lands of a Sovereign so Glorious that among His forces are some which, it is not insignificant powerless creatures like you, but supposing the impossible you were infidel enemies the size of  mountains or the globe, they could hurl down stars and flaming missiles on you of that  magnitude and rout you.
Hem küfranınızla öyle bir Mâlik-i Zülcelal’in memleketinde isyan ediyorsunuz ki cünudundan öyleleri var, değil sizin gibi küçük âciz mahluklar, belki farz-ı muhal olarak dağ ve arz büyüklüğünde birer adüvv-ü kâfir olsaydınız arz ve dağ büyüklüğünde yıldızları, ateşli demirleri size atabilirler, sizi dağıtırlar.

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