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Yirmi Beşinci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Another example: The heavens and the earth were joined together before We clove them asunder.(*<ref>*Qur’an, 21:30.</ref>) A scholar untainted by the study of philosophy would explain the words joined together like this: while the skies were shining and cloudless, and the earth dry and without life and incapable of giving birth, the skies were opened up with rain and the earth with vegetation, and all living beings were created thro..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("The share of a scholar of natural science from this phrase would be this: he would think of the earthquakes and tremors which occur as the result of upheavals and fusions in the heart of the earth being calmed with the upthrust of mountains; that the emergence of mountains is the cause of the earth’s stable rotation on its axis and in its orbit and its not deviating in its annual rotation as a result of the convulsions of earthquakes; and that the a..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Another example: The heavens and the earth were joined together before We clove them asunder.(*<ref>*Qur’an, 21:30.</ref>) A scholar untainted by the study of philosophy would explain the words joined together like this: while the skies were shining and cloudless, and the earth dry and without life and incapable of giving birth, the skies were opened up with rain and the earth with vegetation, and all living beings were created thro..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
514. satır: 514. satır:
The share of a scholar of natural science from this phrase would be this: he would think of  the earthquakes and tremors which occur as the result of upheavals and fusions in the heart of the earth being calmed with the upthrust of mountains; that the emergence of mountains is the cause of the earth’s stable rotation on its axis and in its orbit and its  not deviating in its  annual rotation as a result of the convulsions of earthquakes; and that the anger and wrath of the earth is quieted through it breathing through the vents in the mountains. He would come to believe completely, and would exclaim: “All wisdom is God’s!”
The share of a scholar of natural science from this phrase would be this: he would think of  the earthquakes and tremors which occur as the result of upheavals and fusions in the heart of the earth being calmed with the upthrust of mountains; that the emergence of mountains is the cause of the earth’s stable rotation on its axis and in its orbit and its  not deviating in its  annual rotation as a result of the convulsions of earthquakes; and that the anger and wrath of the earth is quieted through it breathing through the vents in the mountains. He would come to believe completely, and would exclaim: “All wisdom is God’s!”

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Another example: The  heavens  and  the  earth  were  joined  together  before  We  clove  them asunder.(*<ref>*Qur’an, 21:30.</ref>) A scholar  untainted  by the  study of philosophy  would  explain the  words  joined together  like this: while the skies were shining and cloudless, and the earth dry and without life and incapable of giving birth, the skies were opened up with rain and the earth with vegetation, and  all living beings were created through a sort of marriage and impregnation. To do this was the work of One so Powerful and Glorious that the face of the earth is merely a small garden of His, while the clouds veiling the face of the skies, sponges for watering it. The scholar understands this and prostrates before the tremendousness of His power.
اَنَّ السَّمٰوَاتِ وَال۟اَر۟ضَ كَانَتَا رَت۟قًا فَفَتَق۟نَاهُمَا daki   رَت۟قًا   '''kelimesi''', tetkikat-ı felsefe ile âlûde olmayan bir âlime, o kelime şöyle ifham eder ki: Sema berrak, bulutsuz; zemin kuru ve hayatsız, tevellüde gayr-ı kabil bir halde iken semayı yağmurla, zemini hadravatla fethedip bir nevi izdivaç ve telkîh suretinde bütün zîhayatları o sudan halk etmek, öyle bir Kadîr-i Zülcelal’in işidir ki rûy-i zemin, onun küçük bir bostanı ve semanın yüz örtüsü olan bulutlar, onun bostanında bir süngerdir, anlar; azamet-i kudretine secde eder.

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