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Yirmi Beşinci Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Also, when a bedouin poet heard the verse, Therefore expound openly what you are commanded (*<ref>*Qur’an, 15:94.</ref>) being recited, he bowed down in prostration. When asked if he had become a Muslim, he replied: “No, I was prostrating before the eloquence of this verse.”" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("'''Fifth Point:''' One wing of the Qur’an is in the past, and one is in the future, and just as its root and one wing are the agreed truths of the former prophets, and it confirms and corroborates them, and they too confirm it with the tongue of unanimity, so too all the true sufi paths and ways of sainthood whose fruits, the saints and purified scholars, who receive life from the Qur’an, show through their vital spiritual progress that their bl..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Also, when a bedouin poet heard the verse, Therefore expound openly what you are commanded (*<ref>*Qur’an, 15:94.</ref>) being recited, he bowed down in prostration. When asked if he had become a Muslim, he replied: “No, I was prostrating before the eloquence of this verse.”" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
1.258. satır: 1.258. satır:
'''Fifth Point:''' One wing of the Qur’an is in the past, and one is in the future, and just as  its root and one wing are the agreed truths of the former prophets, and it confirms and corroborates them, and they too confirm it with the tongue of unanimity, so  too all the true  sufi  paths and ways  of sainthood whose fruits, the saints and purified scholars, who receive life from the Qur’an, show through their vital spiritual progress that their blessed tree is living, effulgent,  and the means to truth. They grow and live under the protection of its second wing, and testify that the Qur’an is pure truth and the assembly of truths and in its comprehensiveness, is a matchless wonder.
'''Fifth Point:''' One wing of the Qur’an is in the past, and one is in the future, and just as  its root and one wing are the agreed truths of the former prophets, and it confirms and corroborates them, and they too confirm it with the tongue of unanimity, so  too all the true  sufi  paths and ways  of sainthood whose fruits, the saints and purified scholars, who receive life from the Qur’an, show through their vital spiritual progress that their blessed tree is living, effulgent,  and the means to truth. They grow and live under the protection of its second wing, and testify that the Qur’an is pure truth and the assembly of truths and in its comprehensiveness, is a matchless wonder.

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'''Sixth Point:''' The Qur’an’s truthfulness and veracity show that its six aspects are luminous. Indeed, the pillars of argument and proof beneath it; the flashes of the stamp of  miraculousness above it; the gifts of happiness in this world and the next before it, its goal; the truths of heavenly revelation, its point of support behind it; the assent  and  evidence  of  innumerable  upright  minds  to  its  right;  and  the  true tranquillity, sincere attraction, and submission of sound hearts and clean consciences on its left all prove that the Qur’an is a wondrous, firm, unassailable citadel of both the heavens and the earth. Similarly, the universe’s Disposer, Who has made it His practice to foremost always exhibit beauty in the universe, protect good and right, and eliminate imposters and liars, has set His seal on its being sheer truth and right on six levels, and not being man’s word, and its containing no error; and by giving it the most acceptable, highest, and most dominant place of respect and degree of success in the world, has confirmed and endorsed the Qur’an.
'''Altıncı Nokta:''' Kur’an’ın altı ciheti nuranidir, sıdk ve hakkaniyetini gösterir. Evet, altında hüccet ve bürhan direkleri, üstünde sikke-i i’caz lem’aları, önünde ve hedefinde saadet-i dâreyn hediyeleri ve arkasında nokta-i istinadı vahy-i semavî hakikatleri, sağında hadsiz ukûl-ü müstakimenin deliller ile tasdikleri, solunda selim kalplerin ve temiz vicdanların ciddi itminanları ve samimi incizabları ve teslimleri; Kur’an’ın fevkalâde, hârika, metin, hücum edilmez bir kale-i semaviye-i arziye olduğunu ispat ettikleri gibi; altı makamdan dahi onun ayn-ı hak ve sadık olduğunu ve beşerin kelâmı olmadığını ve yanlışı bulunmadığını imza eden, başta bu kâinatta daima güzelliği izhar, iyiliği ve doğruluğu himaye ve sahtekârları ve müfterileri imha ve izale etmek âdetini bir düstur-u faaliyet ittihaz eden bu kâinatın mutasarrıfı, o Kur’an’a âlemde en makbul en yüksek en hâkimane bir makam-ı hürmet ve bir mertebe-i muvaffakiyet vermesiyle onu tasdik ve imza ettiği gibi; İslâmiyet’in menbaı ve Kur’an’ın bir tercümanı olan zatın (asm) herkesten ziyade ona itikad ve ihtiramı ve nüzulü zamanında uyku gibi bir vaziyet-i nâimanede bulunması ve sair kelâmları ona yetişememesi ve bir derece benzememesi ve ümmiyetiyle beraber gitmiş ve gelecek hakiki hâdisat-ı kevniyeyi, gaybiyane Kur’an ile tereddütsüz ve itminan ile beyan etmesi ve çok dikkatli gözlerin nazarı altında hiçbir hile, hiçbir yanlış vaziyeti görülmeyen o tercüman, bütün kuvvetiyle Kur’an’ın her bir hükmünü öyle iman ve tasdik edip hiçbir şey onu sarsmaması dahi Kur’an’ın semavî, hakkaniyetli ve kendi Hâlık-ı Rahîm’inin mübarek kelâmı olduğunu imza ediyor.
So too, the one who is the source of Islam and interpreter of the Qur’an – his believing  in it and holding it in greater respect than everyone else, and being in a sleep-like state when it was revealed, and other words and speeches not resembling or coming near it, and that Interpreter’s describing without hesitation and with complete confidence through the Qur’an true cosmic events of generally the past and the future from behind the veil of the Unseen, and  no trickery or fault being observed in him while being under the gazes of the sharpest eyes, and his believing and affirming every pronouncement of the Qur’an with all his strength and nothing shaking him, is a stamp confirming that the Qur’an is revealed and true and the  blessed Word of his own Compassionate Creator.

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