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On Yedinci Lem'a/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Compare with the mosquito animals like the bee, who receives inspiration, the spider, and the nightingale, who weaves his nest like a stocking, then compare plants to these animals in just the same way." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("For example, the minute the mosquito with its proboscis comes into the world, it emerges from its house, and without hesitation attacks man’s face; it strikes it with its long staff causing the water of life to spurt out, and it drinks it. It shows the skill of a practised warrior in dodging the blows directed at it. Who taught the tiny, inexperienced, newly-born creature the science of war and art of extracting water? Where did it learn it? I, that i..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Compare with the mosquito animals like the bee, who receives inspiration, the spider, and the nightingale, who weaves his nest like a stocking, then compare plants to these animals in just the same way." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
224. satır: 224. satır:
For example, the minute the mosquito with its proboscis comes into the world, it emerges from its house, and without hesitation attacks man’s face; it strikes it with its long staff causing the water of life to spurt out, and it drinks it. It shows the skill of a practised warrior in dodging the blows directed at it. Who taught the tiny, inexperienced, newly-born creature the science of war and art of  extracting water? Where did it learn it? I, that is, this unfortunate Said, confess that if I had been in the place of that mosquito with its proboscis, I could only have learnt this art, this warfare of attack and retreat, this extracting of water, only after lengthy instruction and much experience.
For example, the minute the mosquito with its proboscis comes into the world, it emerges from its house, and without hesitation attacks man’s face; it strikes it with its long staff causing the water of life to spurt out, and it drinks it. It shows the skill of a practised warrior in dodging the blows directed at it. Who taught the tiny, inexperienced, newly-born creature the science of war and art of  extracting water? Where did it learn it? I, that is, this unfortunate Said, confess that if I had been in the place of that mosquito with its proboscis, I could only have learnt this art, this warfare of attack and retreat, this extracting of water, only after lengthy instruction and much experience.

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Compare with the mosquito animals like the bee, who receives inspiration, the spider, and the nightingale, who weaves his nest like a stocking, then compare plants to these animals in just the same way.
İşte ilhama mazhar olan arı, örümcek ve yuvasını çorap gibi yapan bülbül gibi hayvanatı bu sineğe kıyas et. Hattâ nebatatı da aynen hayvanata kıyas edebilirsin.

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Yes, the Absolutely Generous One (May His glory be exalted) has given each living being a memorandum written with the pen of pleasure and ink of need, and with it has deposited in the being the programme of His creative commands and index of its duties. See how the All-Wise One of Glory has written on a receipt the amount concerning the bee’s duties, from the principles of the Clear Book, and placed it in the coffer in the bee’s head. And the key to the coffer is the pleasure particular to  the diligent  bee. With  it, it  opens  the  coffer, reads the programme, understands the command, and acts. It proclaims  the  meaning of the verse, And your Sustainer has inspired the bee.(16:68)
Evet, Cevvad-ı Mutlak (Celle Celaluhu) her ferd-i zîhayatın eline lezzet midadıyla ve ihtiyaç mürekkebiyle yazılmış bir tezkereyi vermiş. Onunla evamir-i tekviniyenin programını ve hizmetlerinin fihristesini tevdi etmiştir. Bak o Hakîm-i Zülcelal’e; nasıl Kitab-ı Mübin’in düsturlarından arı vazifesine ait miktarını bir tezkerede yazmış, arının başındaki sandukçaya koymuştur. O sandukçanın anahtarı da vazife-perver arıya has bir lezzettir. Onunla sandukçayı açar, programını okur, emri anlar, hareket eder. وَ اَو۟حٰى رَبُّكَ اِلَى النَّح۟لِ âyetinin sırrını izhar eder.

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