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("<languages/> In His Name, be He glorified! This highly confidential short treatise, which I wrote twenty- two years ago specifically for my closest and most select and sincere brothers while in the village of Barla in the Province of Isparta, I am dedicating to Isparta’s just Governor, judiciary, and police. This is because of the concern shown by both the people and the authorities of Isparta. If appropriate, several copies should be written by ty..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("==THIRD INDICATION==" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
85. satır: 85. satır:
'''The Answer:''' Those who apply the law, may apply it to others after first applying  it to  themselves. If you  apply a principle  to others which  you  have not applied to  yourselves, you are infringing and opposing your own principle and law before anyone. You want to apply this law of absolute equality to me. So I say this:
'''The Answer:''' Those who apply the law, may apply it to others after first applying  it to  themselves. If you  apply a principle  to others which  you  have not applied to  yourselves, you are infringing and opposing your own principle and law before anyone. You want to apply this law of absolute equality to me. So I say this:

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Whenever a common soldier rises to the social rank of a field marshal and shares in the respect and acclaim the nation shows to the field marshal and is the object of acclaim and  respect the same as him; or whenever the field marshal becomes as common as the soldier  and assumes the soldier’s lowly position and he retains no value whatsoever  outside his duty; and whenever the  most brilliant  military commander who leads the army to  victories  receives public  acclaim, respect  and affection equal to that of the dimmest common soldier; then as required by this law of equality of yours, you can tell me: “Don’t call yourself a hoja! Don’t accept respect! Deny your virtue! Serve the servants, and take beggars as your friends!”
Ne vakit bir nefer, bir müşirin makam-ı içtimaîsine çıkarsa ve milletin o müşire karşı gösterdikleri hürmet ve teveccühe iştirak ederse ve onun gibi o teveccüh ve hürmete mazhar olursa veyahut o müşir, o nefer gibi âdileşirse ve o neferin sönük vaziyetini alırsa ve o müşirin vazife haricinde hiçbir ehemmiyeti kalmazsa hem eğer, en zeki ve bir ordunun muzafferiyetine sebebiyet veren bir erkân-ı harp reisi, en aptal bir neferle teveccüh-ü âmmede ve hürmet ve muhabbette müsavata girerse; o vakit sizin bu müsavat kanununuz hükmünce bana şöyle diyebilirsiniz: “Kendine hoca deme! Hürmeti kabul etme! Faziletini inkâr et! Hizmetçine hizmet et! Dilencilere arkadaş ol!”

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'''If you say:''' “Respect, social position, and public attention are in regard to functions and particular to those who perform them when they are performing them. But you have no function, so you may not accept the people’s respect as though you did have one.”
'''Eğer deseniz:''' Bu hürmet ve makam ve teveccüh, vazife başında olduğu vakte mahsustur ve vazifedarlara hastır. Sen vazifesiz bir adamsın, vazifedarlar gibi milletin hürmetini kabul edemezsin!

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