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Dokuzuncu Şuâ/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Those worthy, anxious fathers and mothers, so deserving of compassion and in need of tranquillity and peace of mind, will otherwise feel a terrible spiritual turmoil and distress in their hearts, and this world will become a dark prison for them, and life even, grievous torment." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("'''Third Proof:''' It is only the thought of Hell-fire that checks the turbulent emotions of youths, the most vigorous element in the life of society, and their violent excesses, restraining them from aggression, oppression, and destruction, and ensuring that the life of society continues tranquilly." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Those worthy, anxious fathers and mothers, so deserving of compassion and in need of tranquillity and peace of mind, will otherwise feel a terrible spiritual turmoil and distress in their hearts, and this world will become a dark prison for them, and life even, grievous torment." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
38. satır: 38. satır:
'''Third Proof:''' It is only the thought of Hell-fire that checks the turbulent emotions of youths, the most vigorous element in the life of society, and their violent excesses, restraining them from aggression, oppression, and destruction, and ensuring that the life of society continues tranquilly.
'''Third Proof:''' It is only the thought of Hell-fire that checks the turbulent emotions of youths, the most vigorous element in the life of society, and their violent excesses, restraining them from aggression, oppression, and destruction, and ensuring that the life of society continues tranquilly.

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If not for fear of Hell, in accordance with the rule ‘Might is right,’ in pursuing their desires, those drunken youths would turn the worlds of the wretched weak and powerless into Hell, and elevated humanity into base animality.
Yoksa cehennem endişesi olmazsa “El-hükmü li’l-galib” kaidesiyle o sarhoş delikanlılar, hevesatları peşinde bîçare zayıflara, âcizlere, dünyayı cehenneme çevireceklerdi ve yüksek insaniyeti gayet süflî bir hayvaniyete döndüreceklerdi.

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'''Fourth Proof:''' The most comprehensive centre of man’s worldly life, and its mainspring, and a paradise, refuge, and fortress of worldly happiness, is the life of the family. Everyone’s home is a small world for him. And the life and happiness of his home and family are  possible through genuine, earnest, and loyal respect and true, tender, and self-sacrificing compassion. This true respect and genuine kindness may be felt due to the idea of the members of the family having an everlasting companionship and friendship  and  togetherness, and their parental, filial, brotherly, and friendly relations continuing for all eternity in a limitless life, and their believing this.
'''Dördüncü Delil:''' Nev-i beşerin hayat-ı dünyeviyesinde en cem’iyetli merkez ve en esaslı zemberek ve dünyevî saadet için bir cennet, bir melce, bir tahassungâh ise aile hayatıdır. Ve herkesin hanesi, küçük bir dünyasıdır. Ve o hane ve aile hayatının hayatı ve saadeti ise samimi ve ciddi ve vefadarane hürmet ve hakiki ve şefkatli ve fedakârane merhamet ile olabilir. Ve bu hakiki hürmet ve samimi merhamet ise ebedî bir arkadaşlık ve daimî bir refakat ve sermedî bir beraberlik ve hadsiz bir zamanda ve hudutsuz bir hayatta birbiriyle pederane, ferzendane, kardeşane, arkadaşane münasebetlerin bulunmak fikriyle ve akidesiyle olabilir.

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