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On Beşinci Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"For sure, when the true religion of Christianity emerges and is transformed into Islam, it will spread its light to the great majority of people in the world, but when the end of the world approaches, an atheistic movement will again appear and become dominant. According to the rule, “The word is with the majority,” no one will remain on earth who says, “Allah! Allah!;”(*<ref>*Muslim, Iman, 234; Tirmidhi, Fitan, 35; Musnad, iii, 107.</ref>)that..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("The Dajjal’s false paradise consists of the alluring amusements and enticements of civilization. His mount is means of transport like the railway; at one end of the train is the fire-box which sometimes sprays fire on those who do not follow him. The other of the mount’s ears, that is, the other end of it, has been furnished like Paradise, where he seats his followers. Anyway, the railway, an important mount of sinful, cruel civilization, brings a..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("For sure, when the true religion of Christianity emerges and is transformed into Islam, it will spread its light to the great majority of people in the world, but when the end of the world approaches, an atheistic movement will again appear and become dominant. According to the rule, “The word is with the majority,” no one will remain on earth who says, “Allah! Allah!;”(*<ref>*Muslim, Iman, 234; Tirmidhi, Fitan, 35; Musnad, iii, 107.</ref>)that..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
141. satır: 141. satır:
The Dajjal’s false paradise consists of the alluring amusements and enticements of  civilization. His mount is means of transport like the railway; at one end of the train is the fire-box which sometimes sprays fire on those who do not follow him. The other of the mount’s ears, that is, the other end of it, has been furnished like Paradise, where he seats his followers.  Anyway, the railway, an important mount of sinful, cruel civilization, brings a false paradise for the dissolute and the worldly, while for the people of religion and Islam like the angels of Hell it brings dangers in the hand of civilization, and casts them into captivity and indigence.
The Dajjal’s false paradise consists of the alluring amusements and enticements of  civilization. His mount is means of transport like the railway; at one end of the train is the fire-box which sometimes sprays fire on those who do not follow him. The other of the mount’s ears, that is, the other end of it, has been furnished like Paradise, where he seats his followers.  Anyway, the railway, an important mount of sinful, cruel civilization, brings a false paradise for the dissolute and the worldly, while for the people of religion and Islam like the angels of Hell it brings dangers in the hand of civilization, and casts them into captivity and indigence.

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For sure, when the true religion of Christianity emerges and is transformed into Islam, it will spread its light to the great majority of people in the world, but when the end of the world approaches, an atheistic movement will again  appear and become dominant. According to the rule, “The word is with the majority,” no  one will remain on earth who says, “Allah! Allah!;”(*<ref>*Muslim, Iman, 234; Tirmidhi, Fitan, 35; Musnad, iii, 107.</ref>)that is, “Allah! Allah!” will not be uttered by any significant group that holds an important position on the earth.
İşte İsevîliğin din-i hakikisi zuhur ile ve İslâmiyet’e inkılab etmesiyle, çendan âlemde ekseriyet-i mutlakaya nurunu neşreder. Fakat yine kıyamet kopmasına yakın tekrar bir dinsizlik cereyanı baş gösterir, galebe eder ve “El-hükmü li’l-ekser” kaidesince, yeryüzünde “Allah Allah” diyecek kalmayacak, yani ehemmiyetli bir cemaat, küre-i arzda mühim bir mevkiye sahip olacak bir surette “Allah Allah” denilmeyecek demektir.

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