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On Sekizinci Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"His alert friend said to him: “The sea of milk you saw was this wooden pail, and the bridge, our shepherd’s pipe. The pointed oak trees were this bush, while the cave was this small hole. Get the pickaxe and I’ll show you the treasure.” He brought the pick and they dug under the bush, and there they found gold enough to make them both prosperous in this world." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Listen to this story which is the form of a comparison and will illustrate this truth. It is like this:" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("His alert friend said to him: “The sea of milk you saw was this wooden pail, and the bridge, our shepherd’s pipe. The pointed oak trees were this bush, while the cave was this small hole. Get the pickaxe and I’ll show you the treasure.” He brought the pick and they dug under the bush, and there they found gold enough to make them both prosperous in this world." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
16. satır: 16. satır:
Listen to this story which is the form of a comparison and will illustrate this truth. It is like this:
Listen to this story which is the form of a comparison and will illustrate this truth. It is like this:

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One time, there were two shepherds who were from among those who approach reality with their hearts. They milked their sheep into a wooden pail and put the pail beside them. They laid their shepherd’s pipe on the pail, then one of them stretched out, overcome by sleep. He slept for a while. The other shepherd was watching him carefully when he saw  something like a fly emerge from the sleeping man’s nose, look at the pail of milk, enter  the pipe at one end, emerge  from the other, then disappear into a hole under a bush. Some while later the thing emerged again, passed down the shepherd’s pipe, entered the sleeping man’s nose, whereupon he awoke. He exclaimed: “I had an extraordinary dream!” His friend replied: “May God make good come of it. What was it?” The other man said: “I saw a sea of milk stretching over which was a strange bridge. The upper part of the bridge was closed  and contained windows. I passed through the bridge. I saw a grove of oaks, the tops of which were all pointed. Beneath them was a cave; I entered it, and I saw some treasure full of gold. How can this be interpreted, I wonder?”
Bir zaman ehl-i kalp iki çoban varmış. Kendileri ağaç kâsesine süt sağıp yanlarına bıraktılar. Kaval tabir ettikleri düdüklerini, o süt kâsesi üzerine uzatmışlardı. Birisi “Uykum geldi.” deyip yatar. Uykuda bir zaman kalır. Ötekisi yatana dikkat eder, bakar ki sinek gibi bir şey, yatanın burnundan çıkıp süt kâsesine bakıyor ve sonra kaval içine girer, öbür ucundan çıkar gider, bir geven altındaki deliğe girip kaybolur. Bir zaman sonra yine o şey döner, yine kavaldan geçer, yatanın burnuna girer; o da uyanır. Der ki: “Ey arkadaş! Acib bir rüya gördüm.O da der: “Allah hayır etsin, nedir?” Der ki: “Sütten bir deniz gördüm. Üstünde acib bir köprü uzanmış. O köprünün üstü kapalı, pencereli idi. Ben o köprüden geçtim. Bir meşelik gördüm ki başları hep sivri. Onun altında bir mağara gördüm, içine girdim, altın dolu bir hazine gördüm. Acaba tabiri nedir?”

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His alert friend said to him: “The sea of milk you saw was this wooden pail, and the bridge, our shepherd’s pipe. The pointed oak trees were this bush, while the cave was this small hole. Get the pickaxe and I’ll show you the treasure.” He brought the pick and they dug under the bush, and there they found gold enough to make them both prosperous in this world.
Uyanık arkadaşı dedi: “Gördüğün süt denizi, şu ağaç çanaktır. O köprü de şu kavalımızdır. O başı sivri meşelik de şu gevendir. O mağara da şu küçük deliktir. İşte kazmayı getir, sana hazineyi de göstereceğim.” Kazmayı getirir. O gevenin altını kazdılar, ikisini de dünyada mesud edecek altınları buldular.

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