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On Sekizinci Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Thus, each of the divine names requires a different mirror. And, since Merciful and Provider, for example, are real and fundamental, they require beings worthy of them who are needy for sustenance and compassion. Just as All-Merciful requires real beings with spirits needy for sustenance in a real world, so too, All-Compassionate requires a paradise which is thus real. To maintain that only the names of Existent, Necessarily Existent, and Single One of..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("The other man says to him, “Yes, you see it like that and what you see is true. But in actuality and reality the true form of reality is not like that. There are other mirrors besides the one you looked at; they are not the shadow of shadows and as tiny as you saw.”" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Thus, each of the divine names requires a different mirror. And, since Merciful and Provider, for example, are real and fundamental, they require beings worthy of them who are needy for sustenance and compassion. Just as All-Merciful requires real beings with spirits needy for sustenance in a real world, so too, All-Compassionate requires a paradise which is thus real. To maintain that only the names of Existent, Necessarily Existent, and Single One of..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
61. satır: 61. satır:
The other man says to him, “Yes, you see it like that and what you see is true. But in actuality and reality the true form of reality is not like that. There are other mirrors besides the one you looked at; they are not the shadow of shadows and as tiny as you saw.”
The other man says to him, “Yes, you see it like that and what you see is true. But in actuality and reality the true form of reality is not like that. There are other mirrors besides the one you looked at; they are not the shadow of shadows and as tiny as you saw.”

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Thus, each of the divine names requires a different mirror. And, since Merciful and Provider, for example, are real and fundamental, they require beings worthy of them who are needy for sustenance and compassion. Just as All-Merciful requires real beings with spirits  needy for sustenance in a real world, so too, All-Compassionate requires a paradise which is thus real. To maintain that only the names of Existent, Necessarily Existent, and Single One of Unity are real and that the other names are mere shadows within them, is a sort of injustice towards those other names.
İşte esma-i İlahiyenin her biri, ayrı ayrı birer âyine ister. Hem mesela Rahman, Rezzak hakikatli, asıl oldukları için kendilerine lâyık, rızka ve merhamete muhtaç mevcudatı ister. Rahman nasıl hakiki bir dünyada rızka muhtaç hakikatli zîruhları ister; Rahîm de öyle hakiki bir cenneti ister. Eğer yalnız Mevcud ve Vâcibü’l-vücud ve Vâhid-i Ehad isimleri hakiki tutulup öteki isimler onların içine gölge olmak haysiyetiyle alınsa o esmaya karşı bir haksızlık hükmüne geçer.

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