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"------ <center> The Twenty-Second Letter ⇐ | The Letters | ⇒ The Twenty-Fourth Letter </center> ------" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("'''The Answer:'''Not all the interpreters of the Law were superior to the shahs and spiritual poles, only Abu Hanifa, Malik, Shafi‘i, and Ahmad b. Hanbal. But in some respects, some wondrous spiritual poles like Shaikh Gilani reached more brilliant stations in particular virtues. However, general virtue was the Imams’. Furthermore, some of the shahs of the Sufi paths were also interpreters of the Law; it cannot therefore be said t..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("------ <center> The Twenty-Second Letter ⇐ | The Letters | ⇒ The Twenty-Fourth Letter </center> ------" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
(Aynı kullanıcının aradaki diğer 17 değişikliği gösterilmiyor)
52. satır: 52. satır:
What is the purpose and aim of the words: “God is with those who patiently persevere?”(2:153; 8:46)
What is the purpose and aim of the words: “God is with those who patiently persevere?”(2:153; 8:46)

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'''The Answer:'''As required by His name of All-Wise, Almighty God placed in all things an arrangement like the steps of stairs. The impatient man does not act with  slow  deliberation, so either skips some of the steps and falls, or leaves some deficient; he cannot mount to the roof of his goal. Greed is therefore the cause of loss. Patience however is the key to all difficulties, and the saying, “The greedy are subject to disappointment and loss,” and the Hadith, “Patience is the key to happiness,”(*<ref>*al-‘Ajluni, Kashf al-Khafa’, ii, 21.</ref>)have become proverbial. That is to say,  Almighty God’s grace and favour are with the patient. For patience is threefold:
'''Elcevap:''' Cenab-ı Hak, Hakîm ismi muktezası olarak vücud-u eşyada, bir merdivenin basamakları gibi bir tertip vaz’etmiş. Sabırsız adam teenni ile hareket etmediği için basamakları ya atlar, düşer veya noksan bırakır; maksud damına çıkamaz. Onun için hırs mahrumiyete sebeptir. Sabır ise müşkülatın anahtarıdır ki:
اَل۟حَرٖيصُ خَائِبٌ خَاسِرٌ وَالصَّب۟رُ مِف۟تَاحُ ال۟فَرَجِ durub-u emsal hükmüne geçmiştir. Demek, Cenab-ı Hakk’ın inayet ve tevfiki, sabırlı adamlarla beraberdir. Çünkü sabır üçtür:

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'''The First''' is to patiently persevere in refraining from sin; this patience is taqwa and manifests the meaning of the verse:God is with those who fear Him and restrain themselves.(2:194)
'''Biri:''' Masiyetten kendini çekip sabretmektir. Şu sabır takvadır اِنَّ اللّٰهَ مَعَ ال۟مُتَّقٖينَ sırrına mazhar eder.

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'''The Second''' is patience in the face of calamity; this to place one’s trust in God and to submit to Him. It is to be honoured by the manifestation of these verses:God loves the patient.(3:146) * God loves those who put their trust in Him. (3:159)
'''İkincisi:''' Musibetlere karşı sabırdır ki tevekkül ve teslimdir اِنَّ اللّٰهَ يُحِبُّ ال۟مُتَوَكِّلٖينَ ۝ اِنَّ اللّٰهَ يُحِبُّ الصَّابِرٖينَ şerefine mazhar ediyor.

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As  for  impatience,  it  amounts  to  complaining  about  God,  and  to  criticizing  His actions, accusing His mercy, and not liking His wisdom. For sure, man is weak and powerless, and  weeps complainingly at the blows of misfortune, but his complaint must be to Him, not about Him. It should resemble Jacob’s (Upon whom be peace) words:He said: I only complain of my distraction and anguish to God.(12:86)That is to say, he should complain to God, not lament saying: “What have I done that this  should have happened to me?” as though complaining to other human beings about God; to excite the sympathy of impotent humans is harmful and meaningless.
Ve sabırsızlık ise Allah’tan şikâyeti tazammun eder. Ve ef’alini tenkit ve rahmetini ittiham ve hikmetini beğenmemek çıkar. '''Evet, musibetin darbesine karşı şekva suretiyle elbette âciz ve zayıf insan ağlar fakat şekva ona olmalı, ondan olmamalı.''' Hazret-i Yakub aleyhisselâmın اِنَّمَا اَش۟كُوا بَثّٖى وَ حُز۟نٖى اِلَى اللّٰهِ demesi gibi olmalı. Yani musibeti Allah’a şekva etmeli, yoksa Allah’ı insanlara şekva eder gibi “Eyvah! Of!” deyip “Ben ne ettim ki bu başıma geldi?” diyerek, âciz insanların rikkatini tahrik etmek zarardır, manasızdır.

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'''The Third Sort of Patience''' is patient perseverance in worship, which raises a person to the station of being beloved of God. It urges him towards perfect worship of God and servitude of Him, which is the most elevated station.
'''Üçüncü Sabır:''' İbadet üzerine sabırdır ki şu sabır, onu makam-ı mahbubiyete kadar çıkarıyor. En büyük makam olan ubudiyet-i kâmile canibine sevk ediyor.

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<span id="Beşinci_Sualiniz:"></span>
== Beşinci Sualiniz: ==

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Fifteen is accepted as the age of discretion. How did God’s Messenger (Upon whom be blessings and peace) worship before his prophetic mission?
Sinn-i mükellefiyet on beş sene kabul ediliyor. Hazret-i Peygamber aleyhissalâtü vesselâm, nübüvvetten evvel nasıl ibadet ederdi?

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'''The Answer:'''He used to worship in accordance with what remained of Abraham’s (Upon whom be peace) religion, which was still extant in Arabia though in very obscure form. But this was his own choice, to perform a good act, not because he was obliged or compelled in any way. This truth is lengthy, so let it remain at that for now.
'''Elcevap:''' Hazret-i İbrahim aleyhisselâmın, Arabistan’da çok perdeler altında cereyan eden bakiyye-i dini ile fakat farziyet ve mecburiyet suretiyle değil belki ihtiyarıyla ve mendubiyet suretiyle ibadet ederdi. Şu hakikat uzundur, şimdilik kısa kalsın.

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<span id="Altıncı_Sualiniz:"></span>
== Altıncı Sualiniz: ==

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What was the wisdom in his prophethood commencing when he was forty years of age,  which is reckoned to be the age of perfect maturity, and his blessed  life continuing for sixty-three years?
Sinn-i kemal itibar olunan kırk yaşında nübüvvetin gelmesi ve ömr-ü saadetlerinin altmış üç olmasındaki hikmet nedir?

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'''The Answer:'''There were numerous purposes and instances of wisdom in this. One of them is as  follows: prophethood brings  with it  extremely heavy responsibility. To bear it, the intellectual abilities have to mature and capacity of the heart, increase and be perfected. Forty is the age they are most perfectly developed.
'''Elcevap:''' Hikmetleri çoktur. Birisi şudur ki: Nübüvvet, gayet ağır ve büyük bir mükellefiyettir. Melekât-ı akliye ve istidadat-ı kalbiyenin inkişafı ve tekemmülü ile o ağır mükellefiyet tahammül edilir. O tekemmülün zamanı ise kırk yaşıdır.

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In addition, the period of youth, when the passions of the soul are enflamed, the blood is fiery and exuberant, and worldly ambitions are intense, is not fitting for the duties of prophethood, which are purely divine,  sacred, and pertain to the hereafter. However serious and sincere a man is before the age of forty, the suspicion that he is working for worldly renown might occur to those who  themselves seek fame. He could not easily be exonerated in the face of their accusations. But after the age of forty, the descent to the grave begins, and the hereafter looms larger for such a man than this world. He can be  easily vindicated  by his actions and  works,  which look  to  the hereafter, and he is successful. And others too are saved from thinking ill of him.
Hem hevesat-ı nefsaniyenin heyecanlı zamanı ve hararet-i gariziyenin galeyanlı hengâmı ve ihtirasat-ı dünyeviyenin feveranlı vakti olan gençlik ve şebabiyet ise sırf İlahî ve uhrevî ve kudsî olan vezaif-i nübüvvete muvafık düşmüyor. Kırktan evvel ne kadar ciddi ve hâlis bir adam olsa da şöhret-perestlerin hatırlarına belki dünyanın şan ve şerefi için çalışır vehmi gelir. Onların ittihamından çabuk kurtulamaz. Fakat kırktan sonra, madem kabir tarafına nüzul başlıyor ve dünyadan ziyade âhiret ona görünüyor. Harekât ve a’mal-i uhreviyesinde çabuk o ittihamdan kurtulur ve muvaffak olur. İnsanlar da sû-i zandan kurtulur, halâs olur.

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When it comes to his blessed life lasting sixty-three years, one of the instances of wisdom in it is this: the believers are charged by the Shari‘a to love and respect God’s Most Noble Messenger (Upon whom be blessings and peace) to the utmost degree, to feel repelled at nothing about him at all, and to look on everything about him as good. Almighty God,  therefore,  did  not  leave  His  Noble  Beloved  (UWBP)  to  live  the difficult, troublesome  years  of old age after sixty-three; He rather sent him to the Sublime Court at that age, which was the average life expectancy of the community of which he was the leader. He took him to Himself, showing that he was the leader in every respect.
Amma ömr-ü saadetinin altmış üç olması ise çok hikmetlerinden birisi şudur ki: Şer’an ehl-i iman, Resul-i Ekrem aleyhissalâtü vesselâmı gayet derecede sevmek ve hürmet etmek ve hiçbir şeyinden nefret etmemek ve her halini güzel görmekle mükellef olduğundan; altmıştan sonraki meşakkatli ve musibetli olan ihtiyarlık zamanında, Habib-i Ekrem’ini bırakmıyor; belki imam olduğu ümmetin ömr-ü galibi olan altmış üçte Mele-i A’lâ’ya gönderiyor, yanına alıyor; her cihette imam olduğunu gösteriyor.

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<span id="Yedinci_Sualiniz:"></span>
== Yedinci Sualiniz: ==

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Is the following a Hadith, and what does it mean? “The best of youths are those who resemble men of mature age, while the worst men of middle age are those who resemble youths.”(*<ref>*‘Ali Mawardi, Adab al-Dunya wa’l-Din, 27; Ghazali, Ihya’ ‘Ulum al-Din, i, 142; al-Manawi, al-Fayd al-Qadir, iii, 487.</ref>)
خَي۟رُ شَبَابِكُم۟ مَن۟ تَشَبَّهَ بِكُهُولِكُم۟ وَ شَرُّ كُهُولِكُم۟ مَن۟ تَشَبَّهَ بِشَبَابِكُم۟ hadîs midir, bundan murad nedir?

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'''The Answer:'''I have heard that it is a Hadith. Its meaning is this: “The best youth is the one who thinks about death like an elderly person, and working for the hereafter, avoids  joining those who  become captive to  the passions of youth and drown in heedlessness. And the worst of your elderly people is the one who tries to resemble the young in heedlessness and passion, and follows the lusts of the soul like a child.”
'''Elcevap:''' Hadîs olarak işitmişim. Murad da şudur ki: “En hayırlı genç odur ki ihtiyar gibi ölümü düşünüp âhiretine çalışarak, gençlik hevesatına esir olmayıp gaflette boğulmayandır. Ve ihtiyarlarınızın en kötüsü odur ki gaflette ve hevesatta gençlere benzemek ister, çocukçasına hevesat-ı nefsaniyeye tabi olur.”

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The correct form of the second part you saw in the piece is as follows. I have hung it above my head for the wisdom it teaches. I look it at it every morning and evening and receive instruction:
Senin levhanda gördüğün ikinci parçanın sahih sureti şudur ki ben başımın üstünde onu bir levha-i hikmet olarak ta’lik etmişim. Her sabah ve akşam ona bakarım, dersimi alırım:

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If you want a friend, God is sufficient. Yes, if He is your friend, everything is friendly.
Dost istersen Allah yeter. Evet, o dost ise her şey dosttur.

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If you want companions, the Qur’an is sufficient. For in the imagination one meets  with the prophets and angels in it, observes the events in which they were involved, and becomes familiar with them.
Yârân istersen Kur’an yeter. Evet, ondaki enbiya ve melâike ile hayalen görüşür ve vukuatlarını seyredip ünsiyet eder.

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If you want possessions, contentment is sufficient. Yes, the person who  is content is frugal; and the frugal person receives the blessing of plenty.
Mal istersen kanaat yeter. Evet kanaat eden, iktisat eder; iktisat eden, bereket bulur.

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If  you want an  enemy,  the soul is sufficient. Yes, the person who  fancies himself is visited with calamities and meets with difficulties, whereas the one who is not fond of himself, finds happiness, and receives mercy.
Düşman istersen nefis yeter. Evet kendini beğenen, belayı bulur, zahmete düşer; kendini beğenmeyen, safayı bulur, rahmete gider.

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If you want advice, death is sufficient. Yes, the person who thinks of death is saved from love of this world, and works in earnest for the hereafter.
Nasihat istersen ölüm yeter. Evet ölümü düşünen, hubb-u dünyadan kurtulur ve âhiretine ciddi çalışır.

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== Yedinci meselenize bir sekizinciyi ben ilâve ediyorum. ==
==I am adding an eighth to your seven matters.==

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It is like this: a couple of days ago, aQur’an reciter read part of Sura Yusuf as far as,Take my soul [at death] as one submitting to Your will [as a Muslim], and unite me with the righteous.(12:101)This point occurred to me in a flash: everything concerning the Qur’an and belief is valuable; however insignificant a point appears to be, it has great value. Nothing that helps to win eternal happiness is insignificant. In which case, it may not be said that this is only a small point and not worth explaining or being given importance. And certainly, the first student and person  addressed  in matters  of  this  kind,  who  appreciates  the  fine  points  of  the Qur’an, Ibrahim Hulûsi, wants to hear this point! In which case, listen to it:
Şöyle ki: Bir iki gün evvel bir hâfız, Sure-i Yusuf’tan bir aşr, tâ تَوَفَّنٖى مُس۟لِمًا وَ اَل۟حِق۟نٖى بِالصَّالِحٖينَ e kadar okudu. Birden âni bir surette bir nükte kalbe geldi:
'''Kur’an’a ve imana ait her şey kıymetlidir, zâhiren ne kadar küçük olursa olsun kıymetçe büyüktür. Evet, saadet-i ebediyeye yardım eden küçük değildir.''' Öyle ise “Şu küçük bir nüktedir, şu izaha ve ehemmiyete değmez.” denilmez. Elbette şu çeşit mesailde en birinci talebe ve muhatap olan ve nüket-i Kur’aniyeyi takdir eden İbrahim Hulusi, o nükteyi işitmek ister. Öyle ise dinle:

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It  is  a fine point about the finest  of stories. An elevated, subtle, happy, and miraculous point of the verse,Take my soul [at death] as one submitting to Your will [as a Muslim], and unite me with the righteous,(12:101) which announces that the story of Joseph (Upon whom be peace), the best of stories, has reached its conclusion. It is this:
'''En güzel bir kıssanın güzel bir nüktesidir.''' Ahsenü’l-kasas olan Kıssa-i Yusuf aleyhisselâm hâtimesini haber veren تَوَفَّنٖى مُس۟لِمًا وَ اَل۟حِق۟نٖى بِالصَّالِحٖينَ âyetinin, ulvi ve latîf ve müjdeli ve i’cazkârane bir nüktesi şudur ki:

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the sorrows of death and separation at the end of other happy stories sour the pleasure the listener has received from the story in his imagination, and dispel it. Especially if they describe death and separation just when recounting the moment of  perfect joy and happiness; this is even more painful and causes those listening to cry out in  sorrow.
Sair ferahlı ve saadetli kıssaların âhirindeki zeval ve firak haberlerinin acıları ve elemi, kıssadan alınan hayalî lezzeti acılaştırıyor, kırıyor. Bâhusus kemal-i ferah ve saadet içinde bulunduğunu ihbar ettiği hengâmda, mevtini ve firakını haber vermek daha elîmdir; dinleyenlere “Eyvah!” dedirtir.

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However, although this verse mentions Joseph’s death just at the most brilliant part of his story, when he is Ruler of Egypt, united  with  his  mother  and  father, fondly  meeting  with  his  brothers, and  is experiencing the greatest worldly happiness and joy, it  does so in such a way as to say:
Halbuki şu âyet, Kıssa-i Yusuf’un (as) en parlak kısmı ki Aziz-i Mısır olması, peder ve validesiyle görüşmesi, kardeşleriyle sevişip tanışması olan, dünyada en büyük saadetli ve ferahlı bir hengâmda, Hazret-i Yusuf’un mevtini şöyle bir surette haber veriyor ve diyor ki:

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Joseph himself asked Almighty God for his death in order to experience greater happiness and a more brilliant situation; and he did die and did receive that happiness.That is to say, there is beyond the grave a happiness and joy greater than the
Şu ferahlı ve saadetli vaziyetten daha saadetli, daha parlak bir vaziyete mazhar olmak için Hazret-i Yusuf, kendisi Cenab-ı Hak’tan vefatını istedi ve vefat etti; o saadete mazhar oldu. Demek o dünyevî, lezzetli saadetten daha cazibedar bir saadet ve ferahlı bir vaziyet kabrin arkasında vardır ki Hazret-i Yusuf aleyhisselâm gibi hakikatbîn bir zat, o gayet lezzetli dünyevî vaziyet içinde gayet acı olan mevti istedi, tâ öteki saadete mazhar olsun.
pleasurable  happiness  of  this  world, so  that  while  in  that  most  joyful  worldly situation, a truth-seeing person like Joseph (Upon whom be peace) wished for bitter death, so as to receive that other happiness.

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So note this eloquence of the All-Wise Qur’an, and the way it announces the end of the story of Joseph. It causes not sorrow and regret to those listening to it, but gives good tidings and adds further joy.
İşte Kur’an-ı Hakîm’in şu belâgatına bak ki Kıssa-i Yusuf’un hâtimesini ne suretle haber verdi. O haberde dinleyenlere elem ve teessüf değil belki bir müjde ve bir sürur ilâve ediyor.

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It also gives guidance, saying: Work for beyond the grave, for it is there that true happiness and pleasure will be found!
Hem irşad ediyor ki: '''Kabrin arkası için çalışınız, hakiki saadet ve lezzet ondadır.'''

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It also points out Joseph’s exalted veraciousness, saying: Even the most brilliant and joyful situation of this world did not cause  him to become heedless; it did not captivate him; he still wanted the hereafter.
Hem Hazret-i Yusuf’un âlî sıddıkıyetini gösteriyor ve diyor: '''Dünyanın en parlak ve en sürurlu haleti dahi ona gaflet vermiyor, onu meftun etmiyor, yine âhireti istiyor.'''

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The Eternal One, He is the Eternal One!
اَل۟بَاقٖى هُوَ ال۟بَاقٖى

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'''Said Nursî'''
'''Said Nursî'''

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<center> [[Yirmi İkinci Mektup]] ⇐ | [[Mektubat]] | ⇒ [[Yirmi Dördüncü Mektup]] </center>
<center> [[Yirmi İkinci Mektup/en|The Twenty-Second Letter]] ⇐ | [[Mektubat/en|The Letters]] | ⇒ [[Yirmi Dördüncü Mektup/en|The Twenty-Fourth Letter]] </center>