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Yirmi Dördüncü Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Fifthly, so that the divine attributes become apparent and the aspects of divine knowledge. This section states that on departing from visible existence, beings, and particularly living beings, leave behind them many enduring things. As described in the Second Sign, among the attributes of dominicality (fluûnât-› rubûbiyet) – in a way befitting the sacredness and perfect self-sufficiency of the Necessarily Existent Essence and..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Thus, in addition to demonstrating the requirements of the names through their lives and existences, all living beings glorify the All-Wise Maker to the number of their members and faculties.For example, a man eats delicious fruits which are then dissolved in his stomach and apparently destroyed, but they both produce a pleasure and eagerness arising from activity in all the cells of his body as well as his mouth and stomach, and comprise..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Fifthly, so that the divine attributes become apparent and the aspects of divine knowledge. This section states that on departing from visible existence, beings, and particularly living beings, leave behind them many enduring things. As described in the Second Sign, among the attributes of dominicality (fluûnât-› rubûbiyet) – in a way befitting the sacredness and perfect self-sufficiency of the Necessarily Existent Essence and..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
221. satır: 221. satır:
Fifthly, so that the divine attributes become apparent and the aspects of divine knowledge. This  section  states  that  on  departing  from  visible  existence,  beings,  and particularly living beings, leave behind them many enduring things. As described in the Second Sign, among the attributes of dominicality (fluûnât-› rubûbiyet) – in a way befitting  the  sacredness  and  perfect  self-sufficiency  of  the  Necessarily  Existent Essence and in a form worthy of Him – are a boundless love, an infinite compassion, an endless pride, and, if the term is permissible, a boundless holy pleasure, a joy, and if  the  expression  is  not  mistaken,  an  infinite  sacred  delight,  and  a  transcendent happiness; the traces of which are to be observed and seen.
Fifthly, so that the divine attributes become apparent and the aspects of divine knowledge. This  section  states  that  on  departing  from  visible  existence,  beings,  and particularly living beings, leave behind them many enduring things. As described in the Second Sign, among the attributes of dominicality (fluûnât-› rubûbiyet) – in a way befitting  the  sacredness  and  perfect  self-sufficiency  of  the  Necessarily  Existent Essence and in a form worthy of Him – are a boundless love, an infinite compassion, an endless pride, and, if the term is permissible, a boundless holy pleasure, a joy, and if  the  expression  is  not  mistaken,  an  infinite  sacred  delight,  and  a  transcendent happiness; the traces of which are to be observed and seen.

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Yes, through  change  and  transformation, decline  and  transience, beings  are driven on at speed within the astonishing activity necessitated by these attributes; they are constantly sent from the Manifest World to the World of the Hereafter. Under the manifestations of the attributes, creatures are shaken up in a continual flow and flood, motion and movement, scattering to the ears of the heedless the lamentations of death and  separation,  and  to  the  hearing  of  the  people  of  guidance, a  clamour  of glorification and recital of God’s names. It is by virtue of this mystery that all beings depart leaving
İşte o şuunat, iktiza ettikleri hayret-nüma faaliyet içinde, mevcudat tebdil ve tağyir ile zeval ve fena içinde süratle sevk ediliyor, mütemadiyen âlem-i şehadetten âlem-i gayba gönderiliyor. Ve o şuunatın cilveleri altında mahlukat; daimî bir seyr ü seyelan, bir hareket ve cevelan içinde çalkanmakta ve ehl-i gafletin kulaklarına vaveylâ-i firak ve zevali ve ehl-i hidayetin sem’ine velvele-i zikir ve tesbihi dağıtmaktadırlar. Bu sırra binaen her bir mevcud Vâcibü’l-vücud’un bâki şuunatının tezahürüne bâki birer medar olacak manaları, keyfiyetleri, haletleri vücudda bırakıp öyle gidiyorlar.
behind them in existence meanings, qualities, and states which will each be a means to the manifestation of the Necessarily Existent One’s eternal attributes.

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