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Yirmi Altıncı Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"So to be hostile towards those fellow Muslims is indirectly harmful to Islam and the Qur’an. And hostility towards Islam and the Qur’an is hostility of a sort towards the lives in this world and in the next of all those fellow-citizens. To destroy the foundations of their two lives while claiming to serve their social life in the name of patriotism, is not patriotism but stupidity!" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("The above Hadith and verse reject in definite terms negative nationalism and racialism. For positive, sacred Islamic nationhood leaves no need for them." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("So to be hostile towards those fellow Muslims is indirectly harmful to Islam and the Qur’an. And hostility towards Islam and the Qur’an is hostility of a sort towards the lives in this world and in the next of all those fellow-citizens. To destroy the foundations of their two lives while claiming to serve their social life in the name of patriotism, is not patriotism but stupidity!" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
241. satır: 241. satır:
As for the present, when the peoples and tribes of Islam are most in need of one another,  and each is more oppressed and more poverty-stricken than the others, and they are crushed beneath European domination, to regard one another as strangers due to the idea of nationalism and look on each other as enemies, is such a calamity it is indescribable.
As for the present, when the peoples and tribes of Islam are most in need of one another,  and each is more oppressed and more poverty-stricken than the others, and they are crushed beneath European domination, to regard one another as strangers due to the idea of nationalism and look on each other as enemies, is such a calamity it is indescribable.

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It is quite simply a lunacy like turning one’s back on dreadful serpents so as to avoid being bitten by a mosquito and struggling with the mosquito – due to the idea of nationalism. To attach no importance to the European nations, which are like huge dragons, at a time when with their insatiable greed their grasping hands are outstretched, indeed, to in effect help them and to nurture enmity  against fellow- citizens in the eastern provinces or brother Muslims to the south, and to  take up positions opposed to them, is extremely detrimental and dangerous. In any event there are no enemies among the people to the south that they should form a front against them.  The Qur’an’s light comes from the south; it is where the light of Islam came from. It is present among us and is found everywhere.
Âdeta bir sineğin ısırmaması için müthiş yılanlara arka çevirip sineğin ısırmasına karşı mukabele etmek gibi bir divanelikle; büyük ejderhalar hükmünde olan Avrupa’nın doymak bilmez hırslarını, pençelerini açtıkları bir zamanda, onlara ehemmiyet vermeyip belki manen onlara yardım edip menfî unsuriyet fikriyle şark vilayetlerindeki vatandaşlara veya cenup tarafındaki dindaşlara adâvet besleyip onlara karşı cephe almak, çok zararları ve mehaliki ile beraber; o cenup efradları içinde düşman olarak yoktur ki onlara karşı cephe alınsın. Cenuptan gelen Kur’an nuru var, İslâmiyet ziyası gelmiş; o içimizde vardır ve her yerde bulunur.

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So to be hostile towards those fellow Muslims is indirectly harmful to Islam and the Qur’an. And hostility towards Islam and the Qur’an is  hostility of a sort towards the lives in this world and in the next of all those fellow-citizens. To destroy the foundations of their two lives while claiming to serve their social life in the  name of patriotism, is not patriotism but stupidity!
İşte o dindaşlara adâvet ise dolayısıyla İslâmiyet’e, Kur’an’a dokunur. İslâmiyet ve Kur’an’a karşı adâvet ise bütün bu vatandaşların hayat-ı dünyeviye ve hayat-ı uhreviyesine bir nevi adâvettir. '''Hamiyet namına hayat-ı içtimaiyeye hizmet edeyim diye iki hayatın temel taşlarını harap etmek; hamiyet değil, hamakattir!'''

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