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Yirmi Altıncı Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"As for the present, when the peoples and tribes of Islam are most in need of one another, and each is more oppressed and more poverty-stricken than the others, and they are crushed beneath European domination, to regard one another as strangers due to the idea of nationalism and look on each other as enemies, is such a calamity it is indescribable." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("'''A Noteworthy Situation:'''The Turks are the most numerous of the Islamic peoples, and wherever they are found, they are Muslims. They have not divided into Muslims and non-Muslims like other peoples. Wherever there are Turks, they are Muslims. Turks who have abandoned Islam or who are not Muslims are no longer Turkish, like the Hungarians. But even small races consist of both Muslims and non- Muslims." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("As for the present, when the peoples and tribes of Islam are most in need of one another, and each is more oppressed and more poverty-stricken than the others, and they are crushed beneath European domination, to regard one another as strangers due to the idea of nationalism and look on each other as enemies, is such a calamity it is indescribable." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
267. satır: 267. satır:
Moreover, the appearance of most of the prophets in Asia, and the emergence of the majority of philosophers in Europe is a sign, an indication, of pre-eternal divine determining that what will arouse the Asian peoples and cause them to progress and to govern, are religion and the heart. As for philosophy, it should assist religion and the heart, not take its place.
Moreover, the appearance of most of the prophets in Asia, and the emergence of the majority of philosophers in Europe is a sign, an indication, of pre-eternal divine determining that what will arouse the Asian peoples and cause them to progress and to govern, are religion and the heart. As for philosophy, it should assist religion and the heart, not take its place.

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'''Secondly:'''It is a grievous error to compare the religions of Islam and Christianity and to be indifferent towards religion like Europe. Firstly, Europe has its religion. The fact that such European leaders as Wilson, Lloyd George, and Venizelos were as bigoted in their religion as priests, testifies that Europe has its religion, and is even bigoted in one respect.
'''Sâniyen:''' Din-i İslâm’ı Hristiyan dinine kıyas edip Avrupa gibi dine lâkayt olmak, pek büyük bir hatadır. Evvela: Avrupa, dinine sahiptir. Başta Wilson, Loid George, Venizelos gibi Avrupa büyükleri, papaz gibi dinlerine mutaassıp olmaları şahittir ki Avrupa dinine sahiptir, belki bir cihette mutaassıptır.

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'''Thirdly:'''To compare Islam with Christianity is a false comparison and wrong. For when it was bigoted in its religion, Europe was not civilized; it became civilized on giving up its bigotry.
'''Sâlisen:''' İslâmiyet’i Hristiyan dinine kıyas etmek, kıyas-ı maalfârıktır, o kıyas yanlıştır. Çünkü Avrupa, dinine mutaassıp olduğu zaman medeni değildi; taassubu terk etti, medenileşti.

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