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Yirmi Altıncı Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"'''Firstly:'''In the introduction to the Twenty-Second Word, which you read to him, the comparison and example showing the difference between the true affirmation of divine unity and its superficial affirmation point to what was intended. While the Second and Third Stopping-Places of the Thirty-Second Word and its Aims, elucidate it." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("'''His First Question:'''Muhyi’l-Din al-‘Arabi said in his letter to Fakhr al-Din Razi: “To know God is different to knowing that He exists.” What does this mean and what did he intend by saying it?" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("'''Firstly:'''In the introduction to the Twenty-Second Word, which you read to him, the comparison and example showing the difference between the true affirmation of divine unity and its superficial affirmation point to what was intended. While the Second and Third Stopping-Places of the Thirty-Second Word and its Aims, elucidate it." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
362. satır: 362. satır:
'''Firstly:'''In the introduction to the Twenty-Second Word, which you read to him, the comparison and example showing the difference between the true affirmation of divine unity  and its superficial affirmation point to what was intended. While the Second and Third Stopping-Places of the Thirty-Second Word and its Aims, elucidate it.
'''Firstly:'''In the introduction to the Twenty-Second Word, which you read to him, the comparison and example showing the difference between the true affirmation of divine unity  and its superficial affirmation point to what was intended. While the Second and Third Stopping-Places of the Thirty-Second Word and its Aims, elucidate it.

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'''And secondly:'''Muhyi’l-Din al-‘Arabi said that to Fakhr al-Din Razi, who was a leading authority on theology, because the explications of the tenets of belief and the existence  of the Necessary Existent  and  divine unity offered  by the authoritative scholars of the principles of religion and theology were insufficient in his view.
'''Ve sâniyen:''' Usûlü’d-din imamları ve ulema-i ilm-i kelâmın akaide dair ve vücud-u Vâcibü’l-vücud ve tevhid-i İlahîye dair beyanatları, Muhyiddin-i Arabî’nin nazarında kâfi gelmediği için ilm-i kelâmın imamlarından Fahreddin-i Râzî’ye öyle demiş.

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