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Yirmi Altıncı Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"If they are asked what the Qur’an is and they reply: “It is a good book, written by man, that teaches good morality,”" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Like this comparison, the Topic about the dispute with the Devil takes the long distance from the divine throne to the ground from Satan’s Party and forcibly drives them into a corner. It leaves the most irrational, the most impossible, the most loathsome place to them. It drives them into a hole so narrow no one could enter it and takes possession of the entire distance in the name of the Qur’an." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("If they are asked what the Qur’an is and they reply: “It is a good book, written by man, that teaches good morality,”" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
483. satır: 483. satır:
Like this comparison, the Topic about the dispute with the Devil takes the long distance from the divine throne to the ground from Satan’s Party and forcibly drives them into a corner. It leaves the most irrational, the most impossible, the most loathsome place to them. It drives them into a hole so narrow no one could enter it and takes possession of the entire distance in the name of the Qur’an.
Like this comparison, the Topic about the dispute with the Devil takes the long distance from the divine throne to the ground from Satan’s Party and forcibly drives them into a corner. It leaves the most irrational, the most impossible, the most loathsome place to them. It drives them into a hole so narrow no one could enter it and takes possession of the entire distance in the name of the Qur’an.

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If they are asked what the Qur’an is and they reply: “It is a good book, written by man, that teaches good morality,
Eğer onlara denilse: “Kur’an nasıldır?Derler: “Güzel ve ahlâk dersini veren bir insan kitabıdır.”

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they should be told: “It must then be the Word of God and you have to accept it as such, for according to your way, you cannot say that it is ‘good’!”
O vakit onlara denilir: “Öyle ise Allah’ın kelâmıdır ve böyle kabul etmeye mecbursunuz. Çünkü siz mesleğinizce ‘güzel’ diyemeyeceksiniz!”

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