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Yirmi Dokuzuncu Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Yes, according to race, I am not counted as a Turk but I have worked with all my strength, with complete eagerness, in compassionate and brotherly fashion, for the groups among the Turks of the God-fearing, the disaster-stricken, the elderly, the children, and the weak and the poor. I have worked for the young people as well, who are the sixth group; I want them to give up any unlawful acts that will poison their worldly life, destroy their lives in t..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("'''Fifthly:'''Permission was given so that the sacred meanings could be understood by the ordinary people whose Islamic zeal arose from their powerful belief. But to translate them and discard the Arabic original due to weakness of belief, negative nationalism, and hatred for the Arabic language, driven by a destructive urge, will cause people to renounce religion." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Yes, according to race, I am not counted as a Turk but I have worked with all my strength, with complete eagerness, in compassionate and brotherly fashion, for the groups among the Turks of the God-fearing, the disaster-stricken, the elderly, the children, and the weak and the poor. I have worked for the young people as well, who are the sixth group; I want them to give up any unlawful acts that will poison their worldly life, destroy their lives in t..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
790. satır: 790. satır:
“The French Revolution was the cause of a sequence of events in the world of humanity; the clergy and spiritual leaders and the Catholic Church, which was  their Church, were attacked and eliminated. Later the Revolution was condoned by a lot of people; also, the French made greater progress. Is this not so?”
“The French Revolution was the cause of a sequence of events in the world of humanity; the clergy and spiritual leaders and the Catholic Church, which was  their Church, were attacked and eliminated. Later the Revolution was condoned by a lot of people; also, the French made greater progress. Is this not so?”

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'''The Answer:'''Like with the previous comparisons, the differences here are clear. For in France, the Christian religion and particularly the Catholic Church had for a long time been a means of domination and despotism in the hands of the upper and ruling classes. It  was  the means by which they perpetuated their hold over the ordinary people. And since it was through the Catholic Church that the patriots were oppressed,  who  among  the  common people  were  awakened  and  were  called “Jacobins,” and the  freedom-seeking  thinkers  were  persecuted, who attacked  the despotism of the upper class tyrants; and since for  nearly four hundred  years the Catholic Church had been an imputed cause,  through revolutions in Europe, of overturning the stability of social life, it had been  attacked, not  in the name of irreligion, but by the other Christian sects. A feeling of indignation and enmity arose among the common people and the philosophers as a result of which the  above- mentioned historical event took place.
'''Elcevap:''' Bu kıyasın dahi evvelki kıyaslar gibi farkı zâhirdir. Çünkü Fransızlarda, havas ve hükûmet adamları elinde çok zaman din-i Hristiyanî, bâhusus Katolik mezhebi; bir vasıta-i tahakküm ve istibdat olmuştu. Havas, o vasıta ile nüfuzlarını avam üzerinde idame ediyorlardı. Ve “serseri” tabir ettikleri avam tabakasında intibaha gelen hamiyet-perverlerini ve havas zalimlerin istibdadına karşı hücum eden hürriyet-perverlerin mütefekkir kısımlarını ezmeye vasıta olduğundan ve dört yüz seneye yakın Frengistanda ihtilaller ile istirahat-i beşeriyeyi bozmaya ve hayat-ı içtimaiyeyi zîr ü zeber etmeye bir sebep telakki edildiğinden o mezhebe, dinsizlik namına değil belki Hristiyanlığın diğer bir mezhebi namına hücum edildi. Ve tabaka-i avamda ve feylesoflarda bir küsmek, bir adâvet hasıl olmuştu ki malûm hâdise-i tarihiye vukua gelmiştir.

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