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Yirmi Dokuzuncu Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"===SIXTH SATANIC STRATAGEM===" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("In order to deceive the nation, corrupt religious scholars who have been misled by the irreligious, say that contrary to the other Imams, Imam-i A‘zam(*<ref>*Imam-i A’zam: Abu Hanifa Nu’man b. Thabit (80/699-150/767), the founder of the Hanifi school of law. The founders (Imams) of the other three main Sunni schools of law were Abu ‘Abdullah Malik b. Anas (94/716-179/795); Ahmad b. Muhammad b. Hanbal (164/780-241/855); and Muhammad b. Idris al-Sh..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("===SIXTH SATANIC STRATAGEM===" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
794. satır: 794. satır:
However, no oppressed person and no thinker has the right to complain about the religion of Muhammad (UWBP) and the Shari‘a of Islam. For it does not injure them, it  protects  them.  Islamic  history  is  there  for  all  to  see.  Apart  from one  or  two incidents, no internal wars  of religion have occurred. Whereas the Catholic Church caused four hundred years of internal revolutions.
However, no oppressed person and no thinker has the right to complain about the religion of Muhammad (UWBP) and the Shari‘a of Islam. For it does not injure them, it  protects  them.  Islamic  history  is  there  for  all  to  see.  Apart  from one  or  two incidents, no internal wars  of religion have occurred. Whereas the Catholic Church caused four hundred years of internal revolutions.

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Furthermore, Islam has been the stronghold of the common people rather than of the upper classes. Through enjoining the payment of zakat and prohibiting usury and interest, it has  made the upper classes  not despots  over the common people  but servants in a way! It says: “The master of a people is its  servant.”(*<ref>*al-Maghribi, Jami’ al-Shaml, i, 450, no: 1668; al-‘Ajluni, Kashf al-Khafa’, ii, 463.</ref>)
Hem İslâmiyet, havastan ziyade avamın tahassungâhı olmuştur. Vücub-u zekât ve hurmet-i riba ile havassı, avamın üstünde müstebit yapmak değil, bir cihette hâdim yapıyor.
And, “The best of people is the one most useful to people.”(*<ref>*al-‘Ajluni, Kashf al-Khafa’, ii, 463; al-Manawi, Fayd al-Qadir, iii, 481, no: 4044.</ref>)
سَيِّدُ ال۟قَو۟مِ خَادِمُهُم۟ ۝ خَي۟رُ النَّاسِ مَن۟ يَن۟فَعُ النَّاسَ diyor.
Also, through sacred phrases like,So will they not think?(6:50)  * So will they not reflect on it?(4:82)  * So will they not reason?(2:44),the All-Wise Qur’an calls on the intellect to testify; it warns, refers to the reason, it urges  investigation.

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Through this, it  accords  scholars  and  the people of reason a position; it  gives  them importance. It does not dismiss the reason like the Catholic Church; it does not silence thinkers, or require blind imitation of them.
Hem Kur’an-ı Hakîm lisanıyla اَفَلَا تَع۟قِلُونَ ۝ اَفَلَا يَتَدَبَّرُونَ ۝ اَفَلَا يَتَفَكَّرُونَ gibi kudsî havaleler ile aklı istişhad ediyor ve ikaz ediyor ve akla havale ediyor, tahkike sevk ediyor. Onun ile ehl-i ilim ve ashab-ı akla din namına makam veriyor, ehemmiyet veriyor. Katolik mezhebi gibi aklı azletmiyor, ehl-i tefekkürü susturmuyor, körü körüne taklit istemiyor.

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