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Yirmi Üçüncü Lem'a/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"But in order to do all these things, there is still need for the power and will of the Absolutely Powerful One, who creates the printing-press. That is to say, this hypothesis of the printing-press is a totally meaningless superstition. Thus, like the comparisons of the clock and the book, the All-Glorious Maker, who is powerful over all things, has created causes, and so too does He create the effects. Through His wisdom, He ties the effect to the cause..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Furthermore, since the person who gives up prayer does not own himself, he wrongs his own soul, which is a slave of its True Owner. His Owner delivers awesome threats in order to protect His slave’s rights from his evil-commanding soul. Also, since he has given up worship, which is the result of his creation and the aim of his nature, it is like an act of aggression against divine wisdom and dominical will, and he therefore receives punishment." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
("But in order to do all these things, there is still need for the power and will of the Absolutely Powerful One, who creates the printing-press. That is to say, this hypothesis of the printing-press is a totally meaningless superstition. Thus, like the comparisons of the clock and the book, the All-Glorious Maker, who is powerful over all things, has created causes, and so too does He create the effects. Through His wisdom, He ties the effect to the cause..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
234. satır: 234. satır:
When they are ascribed to their True Maker, the universe becomes as easy and trouble-free as a tree, a tree as easy as a seed, Paradise as easy as the spring, and the spring as easy as a  flower. We shall now point out briefly one or two evidences that have been explained in detail in other parts of the Risale-i  Nur  out of the hundreds  which  explain the underlying  reasons for and instances of wisdom in the  conspicuous, boundless abundance and profusion  of beings, the ease of the great number of individuals in each species, and the fact that well-ordered,  artistically fashioned  and  valuable  beings  come  into  existence  with immense speed and ease.
When they are ascribed to their True Maker, the universe becomes as easy and trouble-free as a tree, a tree as easy as a seed, Paradise as easy as the spring, and the spring as easy as a  flower. We shall now point out briefly one or two evidences that have been explained in detail in other parts of the Risale-i  Nur  out of the hundreds  which  explain the underlying  reasons for and instances of wisdom in the  conspicuous, boundless abundance and profusion  of beings, the ease of the great number of individuals in each species, and the fact that well-ordered,  artistically fashioned  and  valuable  beings  come  into  existence  with immense speed and ease.

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For example, if the command of a hundred soldiers is given to one officer, it is a hundred times easier  than if the  command of one soldier is given to  a  hundred officers. And if to equip an army it is assigned to one headquarters, one law, one factory and the command of one king, it quite simply becomes as easy as equipping a single soldier. In the  same way, if to equip one soldier it is referred to numerous headquarters, numerous factories and numerous commanders, it becomes as difficult as equipping an army. Because in order to equip a single soldier, it would require as many factories as are necessary for a whole army.
Mesela, nasıl ki yüz nefer, bir zabitin idaresine verilse; bir neferin, yüz zabitin idarelerine verilmesinden yüz derece daha kolay olduğu gibi; bir ordunun teçhizat-ı askeriyesi bir merkez, bir kanun, bir fabrika ve bir padişahın emrine verildiği vakit, âdeta kemiyeten bir neferin teçhizatı kadar kolaylaştığı gibi; bir neferin teçhizat-ı askeriyesi müteaddid merkezlere, müteaddid fabrikalara, müteaddid kumandanlara havalesi de âdeta bir ordunun teçhizatı kadar kemiyeten müşkülatlı oluyor. Çünkü bir tek neferin teçhizatı için bütün orduya lâzım olan fabrikaların bulunması gerektir.

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