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Yirmi Üçüncü Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"The town was human social life and the city of man’s civilization. Each of the palaces was a human being. The people of the palaces were the subtle faculties in man like the eyes, ears, heart, inner heart, spirit, intellect, and things like the soul and caprice, and powers of lust and anger. Each of man’s faculties has a different duty of worship, and different pleasures and pains. The soul and caprice and powers of lust and anger are like the doorke..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("And now I shall interpret this vision for you. May God cause good to come of it." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("The town was human social life and the city of man’s civilization. Each of the palaces was a human being. The people of the palaces were the subtle faculties in man like the eyes, ears, heart, inner heart, spirit, intellect, and things like the soul and caprice, and powers of lust and anger. Each of man’s faculties has a different duty of worship, and different pleasures and pains. The soul and caprice and powers of lust and anger are like the doorke..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
161. satır: 161. satır:
And now I shall interpret this vision for you. May God cause good to come of it.
And now I shall interpret this vision for you. May God cause good to come of it.

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The town was human social life and the city of man’s civilization. Each of the palaces was a human being. The people of the palaces were the subtle faculties in man like the eyes, ears, heart, inner heart, spirit, intellect, and things like the soul and caprice, and powers of lust and anger. Each of man’s faculties has a different duty of worship, and different pleasures and pains. The soul and caprice and powers of lust and anger are like the doorkeeper and the dog. Thus, to make the elevated subtle faculties subject to the soul and caprice and make them forget their fundamental duties is certainly decline and not progress. You can interpret the rest for yourself.
İşte o şehir ise hayat-ı içtimaiye-i beşeriye ve medine-i medeniyet-i insaniyedir. O sarayların her birisi, birer insandır. O saray ehli ise insandaki göz, kulak, kalp, sır, ruh, akıl gibi letaif ve nefis ve heva ve kuvve-i şeheviye ve kuvve-i gazabiye gibi şeylerdir. Her bir insanda her bir latîfenin ayrı ayrı vazife-i ubudiyetleri var. Ayrı ayrı lezzetleri, elemleri var. Nefis ve heva, kuvve-i şeheviye ve gazabiye, bir kapıcı ve it hükmündedirler. İşte o yüksek letaifi, nefis ve hevaya musahhar etmek ve vazife-i asliyelerini unutturmak, elbette sukuttur, terakki değildir. Sair cihetleri sen tabir edebilirsin.

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