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On Üçüncü Lem'a/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"One of Satan’s most cunning wiles is to deceive people with narrow minds, short views, and constricted hearts concerning the immensity of the truths of belief. He says: “It is said that a single Being directs and administers within His dominicality all particles and planets and stars and all the other beings and all their states. How can a person believe in such an immense and extraordinary matter? How can it be contained in the heart? How can the m..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("However, since good deeds and actions pertain to existence, man’s will and wishes cannot be the direct cause of their existence. Man cannot be the true agent in such acts. Also, his evil-commanding soul does not tend towards good deeds; it is divine mercy that requires them and dominical power that creates them. Man can only lay claim to them through belief, a wish, or an intention. And having claimed them, such good works consist of thanks for the..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("One of Satan’s most cunning wiles is to deceive people with narrow minds, short views, and constricted hearts concerning the immensity of the truths of belief. He says: “It is said that a single Being directs and administers within His dominicality all particles and planets and stars and all the other beings and all their states. How can a person believe in such an immense and extraordinary matter? How can it be contained in the heart? How can the m..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
308. satır: 308. satır:
===First Point:===
===First Point:===

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One of Satan’s most cunning wiles is to deceive people with narrow  minds, short views, and constricted hearts concerning the immensity of the truths of belief. He says: “It is said that a single Being directs and administers within His dominicality all particles and planets and stars and all the other beings and all their states. How can a person believe in such an immense and extraordinary matter? How can it be contained in the heart? How can the mind accept it?” He awakens a feeling of denial in respect of human impotence.
Şeytanın en büyük bir desisesi: Hakaik-i imaniyenin azameti cihetinde dar kalpli ve kısa akıllı ve kāsır fikirli insanları aldatır, der ki: “Bir tek zat, umum zerrat ve seyyarat ve nücumu ve sair mevcudatı bütün ahvaliyle tedbir-i rububiyetinde çeviriyor, idare ediyor deniliyor. Böyle hadsiz acib büyük meseleye nasıl inanılabilir? Nasıl kalbe yerleşir? Nasıl fikir kabul edebilir?” der. Acz-i insanî noktasında bir hiss-i inkârî uyandırıyor.

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'''The Answer:''' The way to silence this wile of Satan’s is “God is Most Great!” And its true answer is “God is Most Great!” Yes, the reason “God is Most Great!” is the most frequently repeated of all the marks of Islam is to eliminate this wile. For it is through  the light of “God is Most Great!” that man’s impotence and lack of power, weakness and lack of strength, and narrow thought see such infinitely vast truths and affirm them. It is through the strength of “God is Most Great!” that man sustains those truths, and situates them within the sphere of “God is Most Great!” And he says to his heart which starts to doubt:
'''Elcevap:''' Şeytanın bu desisesini susturan sır: “Allahu ekber”dir. Ve cevab-ı hakikisi de “Allahu ekber”dir. Evet “Allahu ekber”in ziyade kesretle şeair-i İslâmiyede tekrarı, bu desiseyi mahvetmek içindir. Çünkü insanın âciz kuvveti ve zayıf kudreti ve dar fikri, böyle hadsiz büyük hakikatleri “Allahu ekber” nuruyla görüp tasdik ediyor ve “Allahu ekber” kuvvetiyle o hakikatleri taşıyor ve “Allahu ekber” dairesinde yerleştiriyor ve vesveseye düşen kalbine diyor ki: Bu kâinatın gayet muntazamca tedbir ve tedviri bilmüşahede görünüyor. Bunda '''iki yol''' var:
It is self-evident that the universe is administered and directed in most orderly fashion. There are two ways in which this may occur:

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'''The First Way:''' It is possible that  despite its  wondrous immensity, such an astonishing work comes about through wondrous art in a wondrous way. So this first way is that the universe exists through the dominicality, will, and power of a Single and  Eternally Besought  One, to  whose existence are witnesses to the number of beings, indeed, of minute particles.
'''Birinci yol:''' Mümkündür fakat gayet azîmdir ve hârikadır. Zaten böyle hârika bir eser, bir hârika sanat ile çok acib bir yol ile olur. O yol ise mevcudat belki zerrat adedince vücudunun şahitleri bulunan bir Zat-ı Ehad ve Samed’in rububiyetiyle ve irade ve kudretiyle olmasıdır.

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