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On Yedinci Lem'a/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"As with the saying “All that is coming is close,”(*<ref>*Ibn Maja, Muqaddima, 7; Darimi, Muqaddima, 23. </ref>)I see now that soon I will have donned my shroud, mounted the bier, bade farewell to my friends. Approaching my grave I call out to the court of Your mercy through the mute tongue of my corpse and the articulate tongue of my spirit: “Mercy! Mercy! Most Kind, Most Clement! Deliver me from the shame of my sins!”" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("O my Compassionate Sustainer and Munificent Creator!" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("As with the saying “All that is coming is close,”(*<ref>*Ibn Maja, Muqaddima, 7; Darimi, Muqaddima, 23. </ref>)I see now that soon I will have donned my shroud, mounted the bier, bade farewell to my friends. Approaching my grave I call out to the court of Your mercy through the mute tongue of my corpse and the articulate tongue of my spirit: “Mercy! Mercy! Most Kind, Most Clement! Deliver me from the shame of my sins!”" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
276. satır: 276. satır:
O my Compassionate Sustainer and Munificent Creator!
O my Compassionate Sustainer and Munificent Creator!

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As with the saying “All that is coming is close,”(*<ref>*Ibn Maja, Muqaddima, 7; Darimi, Muqaddima, 23. </ref>)I see now that soon I will have donned my shroud, mounted the bier, bade farewell to my friends. Approaching my grave I call out to the court of Your mercy through the mute tongue of my corpse and the articulate tongue of my spirit: “Mercy! Mercy! Most Kind, Most Clement! Deliver me from the shame of my sins!
كُلُّ اٰتٍ قَرٖيبٌ sırrıyla ben şimdiden görüyorum ki yakın bir zamanda ben kefenimi giydim, tabutuma bindim, dostlarımla veda eyledim. Kabrime teveccüh edip giderken senin dergâh-ı rahmetinde, cenazemin lisan-ı haliyle, ruhumun lisan-ı kāliyle bağırarak derim: El-Aman! El-Aman! Yâ Hannan! Yâ Mennan! Beni günahlarımın hacaletinden kurtar!

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