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Otuz Üçüncü Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"So now, O you ignorant, heedless, obstinate wretch! With what can you interpret this mighty truth? With what can you explain this infinitely miraculous and wonderful state of affairs? To what can you attribute these truly extraordinary arts? What veil of heedlessness can you draw across this window as broad as the earth and so close it? Where is your chance and coincidence, your unconscious companion on which you rely and call ‘nature,’ your friend..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Consider this comparison which is explained in the Twenty-Second Word: a fine, well-ordered, well-crafted work like a palace self-evidently points to a well-ordered act. That is to say, a building indicates the act of building. And a fine, well-ordered act necessarily points to a proficient agent, a skilful master, a builder. And the titles of proficient master and builder point self-evidently to a perfect attribute, that is, to a faculty for the craft..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
Etiketler: Mobil değişiklik Mobil ağ değişikliği
("So now, O you ignorant, heedless, obstinate wretch! With what can you interpret this mighty truth? With what can you explain this infinitely miraculous and wonderful state of affairs? To what can you attribute these truly extraordinary arts? What veil of heedlessness can you draw across this window as broad as the earth and so close it? Where is your chance and coincidence, your unconscious companion on which you rely and call ‘nature,’ your friend..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
260. satır: 260. satır:
==Nineteenth Window==
==Nineteenth Window==

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According to the meaning of the verse: The seven heavens and the earth and all within them extol His limitless glory, and there is nothing but it extols His limitless glory and praise,(*<ref>*Qur’an, 17:44.</ref>) the All-Glorious Maker has attached innumerable meanings and instances of wisdom to the heavenly bodies so that it is as if, in order to express His glory and beauty, He has adorned the heavens with the words of the suns, moons and stars. To the beings in the atmosphere also He has attached instances of wisdom and meanings and aims, as if to make it speak through the words of the thunder, lightning, and drops of rain, and give instruction in the perfection of His wisdom and beauty of His mercy.
تُسَبِّحُ لَهُ السَّمٰوَاتُ السَّب۟عُ وَال۟اَر۟ضُ وَمَن۟ فٖيهِنَّ
وَاِنْ مِنْ شَىْءٍ اِلاَّ يُسَبِّحُ بِحَمْدِهِ
sırrınca Sâni’-i Zülcelal, semavatın ecramına o kadar hikmetler, manalar takmış ki güya celal ve cemalini ifade etmek için semavatı güneşler, aylar, yıldızlar kelimeleriyle söylettirdiği gibi; cevv-i semada dahi olan mevcudata öyle hikmetler ve manalar ve maksatlar takmış ki güya o cevv-i semayı berkler, şimşekler, ra’dlar, katreler kelimeleriyle intak ediyor. Ve kemal-i hikmet ve cemal-i rahmetini ders veriyor.

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He causes the head of the earth to speak too with its meaningful words known as animals and plants and displays the perfections of His art to the universe. Then He makes the plants and  trees speak, all words of that head, through the words of their leaves, flowers, and fruits and again proclaims the perfection of His art and beauty of His mercy. Their flowers and fruits, too, He makes speak, through the words of their seeds, and gives instruction to the aware and conscious in the subtleties of His art and the perfection of His dominicality.
Ve nasıl zemin kafasını, hayvanat ve nebatat denilen manidar kelimeleriyle söyleştirip kemalât-ı sanatını kâinata gösteriyor. Öyle de o kafanın birer kelimesi olan nebatları ve ağaçları dahi yapraklar, çiçekler, meyveler kelimeleriyle intak edip yine kemal-i sanatını ve cemal-i rahmetini ilan ediyor. Ve birer kelime olan çiçekleri ve meyveleri dahi tohumcuklar kelimeleriyle konuşturup dekaik-ı sanatını ve kemal-i rububiyetini ehl-i şuura talim ediyor.

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And so, out of these innumerable words of glorification, we shall lend our ears and listen to a single shoot and a single flower and their manner of expression, and learn the way in which they testify.
İşte bu hadsiz kelimat-ı tesbihiye içinde yalnız tek bir sümbül ve tek bir çiçeğin tarz-ı ifadesine kulak verip dinleyeceğiz. Nasıl şehadet eder, bileceğiz.

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Yes, all plants and all trees describe their Maker with numerous tongues in such a way that they leave those who study them in amazement, causing them to exclaim: “Glory be to God! How wonderfully they bear witness to Him!”
Evet her bir nebat, her bir ağaç, pek çok lisan ile Sâni’lerini öyle gösteriyorlar ki ehl-i dikkati hayretlerde bırakır ve bakanlara “Sübhanallah! Ne kadar güzel şehadet ediyor!” dedirtirler.

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Yes, the glorification of plants at the time their flowers open, and the moment they produce new shoots, and when they offer their smiling words is as beautiful and clear as themselves. For through the beautiful mouth of each flower and the tongues of its orderly shoots and the words of its well-measured seeds, the order demonstrates wisdom and is observedly within a balance which demonstrates knowledge. And the balance is within an embroidery of art which demonstrates skill and craft. And the embroidery of art is within an adornment which demonstrates favour and munificence. And the adornment is within subtle scents which demonstrate mercy and bestowal. And these meaningful qualities one within the other form such a tongue of testimony that it both describes the All-Beauteous Maker through His Names, and portrays Him through His attributes, and expounds the manifestation of His Names, and expresses His making Himself loved and known.
Evet, her bir nebatın çiçek açması zamanında ve sümbül vermesi anında, tebessümkârane manevî tekellümleri hengâmındaki tesbihleri, kendileri gibi güzel ve zâhirdir. Çünkü her bir çiçeğin güzel ağzı ile ve muntazam sümbülün lisanıyla ve mevzun tohumların ve muntazam habbelerin kelimatıyla hikmeti gösteren o nizam, bilmüşahede ilmi gösteren bir mizan içindedir. Ve o mizan ise maharet-i sanatı gösteren bir nakş-ı sanat içindedir. Ve o nakş-ı sanat, lütuf ve keremi gösteren bir ziynet içindedir. Ve o ziynet dahi rahmet ve ihsanı gösteren latîf kokular içindedir. Ve birbiri içinde bulunan şu manidar keyfiyetler, öyle bir lisan-ı şehadettir ki hem Sâni’-i Zülcemal’ini esmasıyla tarif eder hem evsafıyla tavsif eder hem cilve-i esmasını tefsir eder hem teveddüd ve taarrüfünü, yani sevdirilmesini ve tanıttırılmasını ifade eder.

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If you hear such testimony from a single flower, will your doubts and suspicions and heedlessness persist when you listen to all the flowers in the dominical gardens on the face of the earth and  hear  with what  elevated strength they proclaim the  necessary existence and unity of the All-Glorious Maker? If they do persist, can it be said of you that you are a conscious human being?
İşte bir tek çiçekten böyle bir şehadet işitsen, acaba zemin yüzündeki Rabbanî bağlarda umum çiçekleri dinleyebilsen, ne derece yüksek bir kuvvetle Sâni’-i Zülcelal’in vücub-u vücudunu ve vahdetini ilan ettiklerini işitsen, hiç şüphen ve vesvesen ve gafletin kalabilir mi? Eğer kalsa sana insan ve zîşuur denilebilir mi?

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Come, now  look  carefully at a  tree! See its  delicate  mouth within  the orderly emergence of the leaves in spring, and the blossoms opening in a measured manner, and the fruits swelling with wisdom and mercy and dancing at the blowing of the breeze in the hands of the branches  like innocent children. See the just balance within the wise order expressed through the tongue of the  leaves becoming green at a generous hand, through that of the flowers smiling with the joy of a favour  received, and through the words of the fruits laughing through a manifestation of mercy. See the careful arts and embroideries within the balance demonstrating justice; and the mercy within the skilful embroideries and adornment; and the various sweet tastes and delightful scents, which indicate mercy and bestowal; and the seeds, each of which is a miracle of power within the agreeable tastes: all these point in most clear fashion to the necessary existence and unity  of  an  All-Wise, Generous,   Compassionate, Beneficent, Bountiful  Maker, a Bestower of Beauty and Favours, to the beauty of  His mercy and perfection of His dominicality.
Gel, şimdi bir ağaca dikkatle bak! İşte bahar mevsiminde yaprakların muntazaman çıkması, çiçeklerin mevzunen açılması, meyvelerin hikmetle, rahmetle büyümesi ve dalların ellerinde, masum çocuklar gibi nesîmin esmesiyle oynaması içindeki latîf ağzını gör. Nasıl bir dest-i kerem ile yeşillenen yaprakların dili ile ve bir neşe-i lütuf ile tebessüm eden çiçeklerin lisanıyla ve bir cilve-i rahmet ile gülen meyvelerin kelimatı ile ifade edilen hikmetli nizam içindeki adilli mizan ve adli gösteren mizan içinde bulunan dikkatli sanatlar, nakışlar ve maharetli nakışlar ve ziynetler içinde rahmet ve ihsanı gösteren ayrı ayrı tatlı tatmaklar ve ayrı ayrı güzel kokular ve hoş tatmaklar içinde birer mu’cize-i kudret olan tohumlar ve çekirdekler, gayet zâhir bir surette bir Sâni’-i Hakîm, Kerîm, Rahîm, Muhsin, Mün’im, Mücemmil, Mufaddıl’ın vücub-u vücudunu ve vahdetini ve cemal-i rahmetini ve kemal-i rububiyetini gösterir.

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