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Dokuzuncu Şuâ/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Is there any possibility that belief in the hereafter should be false, which emerges like the sun from the thousands of declarations and statements of a Book a single indication of one of the verses of which has yielded before our eyes the fruits of numerous learned and cosmic truths in the Islamic sciences?" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("All the miracles indicating the messengership of Muhammad (Peace and blessings be upon him) and the evidences for his prophethood, and all the proofs of his veracity, together testify to the occurrence of the resurrection and prove it. For after Divine unity, everything he claimed throughout his life was centred on the resurrection of the dead. Also, all his miracles and proofs affirming, and making affirmed, all the previous prophets attest to the sam..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Is there any possibility that belief in the hereafter should be false, which emerges like the sun from the thousands of declarations and statements of a Book a single indication of one of the verses of which has yielded before our eyes the fruits of numerous learned and cosmic truths in the Islamic sciences?" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
67. satır: 67. satır:
Is there any possibility of denying the sun, or the  existence of the universe? Would it not be impossible and absurd? Is it at all possible that  although an army may sometimes be plunged into battle so that a mere sign of the king should not be given the lie, to show as false the thousands of words, promises, and threats of that most serious, proud monarch? Is it possible that they should be false?
Is there any possibility of denying the sun, or the  existence of the universe? Would it not be impossible and absurd? Is it at all possible that  although an army may sometimes be plunged into battle so that a mere sign of the king should not be given the lie, to show as false the thousands of words, promises, and threats of that most serious, proud monarch? Is it possible that they should be false?

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Although a single sign of that glorious spiritual  monarch who for thirteen centuries without break has ruled over innumerable spirits, minds, hearts, and souls within the bounds of truth and reality, and  trained  and educated them, would be sufficient to  prove the truth of resurrection, it has demonstrated it with thousands of explicit statements. Is the torment of Hell-fire not necessary then for the compounded idiot who does not recognize this fact? Is it not pure justice?
Acaba on üç asırda fâsılasız olarak hadsiz ruhlara, akıllara, kalplere, nefislere hak ve hakikat dairesinde hükmeden, terbiye eden, idare eden bu manevî Sultan-ı Zîşan’ın bir tek işareti böyle bir hakikati ispat etmeye kâfi iken binler tasrihat ile bu hakikat-i haşriyeyi gösterip ispat ettikten sonra, o hakikati tanımayan bir echel ahmak için cehennem azabı lâzım gelmez mi ve ayn-ı adalet olmaz mı?

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Moreover, by their definite acceptance of the truth of resurrection, which the Qur’an —prevailing over the future and all times— repeatedly proves in detail and elucidates, all the revealed scriptures and sacred books, each of which dominated a particular period,  proved it according to their own times and centuries, but in undetailed, veiled, and summary manner, confirming with a thousand signatures what the Qur’an teaches.
Hem birer zamana ve birer devre hükmeden bütün semavî suhuflar ve mukaddes kitaplar dahi bütün istikbale ve umum zamanlara hükümran olan Kur’an’ın tafsilatla, izahatla tekrar ile beyan ve ispat ettiği hakikat-i haşriyeyi, asırlarına ve zamanlarına göre o hakikati kat’î kabul ile beraber, tafsilatsız ve perdeli ve muhtasar bir surette beyan fakat kuvvetli bir tarzda iddia ve ispatları, Kur’an’ın davasını binler imza ile tasdik ederler.

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