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Yirmi Altıncı Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"In just the same way, we say according to the categorical proof called “residue,” taken from the sciences of method and logic:" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("“This impossibility necessitates the further, most ugly and abhorrent, impossibility that the person who, according to the testimony of the religion and Shari‘a of Islam that he proclaimed, and the extraordinary fear of God and pure, sincere worship that he demonstrated throughout his life, and as necessitated by the good moral qualities unanimously witnessed in him, and according to the affirmation of the people of truth and perfection whom he..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("In just the same way, we say according to the categorical proof called “residue,” taken from the sciences of method and logic:" içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
113. satır: 113. satır:
“This impossibility necessitates the further, most  ugly  and abhorrent, impossibility that the person who, according to  the testimony of the religion and Shari‘a of  Islam that  he proclaimed, and the extraordinary fear of God and pure, sincere worship that he demonstrated throughout his life, and as necessitated by the good moral qualities unanimously witnessed in him, and according to the affirmation of the people of truth and  perfection whom he raised, was the most believing, the most steadfast, the most trustworthy,  and the most truthful, was – God forbid, and again, God forbid – without faith, that he was most untrustworthy, did not fear God, nor shrink from lying. To imagine this necessitates  imagining the most loathsome form  of  impossibility  and  perpetrating  the  most  iniquitous  and  vicious  sort  of misguidance.
“This impossibility necessitates the further, most  ugly  and abhorrent, impossibility that the person who, according to  the testimony of the religion and Shari‘a of  Islam that  he proclaimed, and the extraordinary fear of God and pure, sincere worship that he demonstrated throughout his life, and as necessitated by the good moral qualities unanimously witnessed in him, and according to the affirmation of the people of truth and  perfection whom he raised, was the most believing, the most steadfast, the most trustworthy,  and the most truthful, was – God forbid, and again, God forbid – without faith, that he was most untrustworthy, did not fear God, nor shrink from lying. To imagine this necessitates  imagining the most loathsome form  of  impossibility  and  perpetrating  the  most  iniquitous  and  vicious  sort  of misguidance.

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'''“In  Short:'''As is stated in the  Eighteenth Sign  of the Nineteenth Letter, the common people, who gain an understanding of the Qur’an’s miraculous nature by listening to it, say: ‘If I were to compare the Qur’an with all the other books I have listened to, or with all the other books in the world, it would resemble none of them; it is not the same as them in either kind or degree.’ The Qur’an,  then,  is  either  superior  to  all  of  them,  or  inferior  to  all  of  them. It  is impossible that it is inferior, and no enemy or the Devil even could say that. In which case, the Qur’an is superior to all other books, and is therefore a miracle.
'''Elhasıl:''' On Dokuzuncu Mektup’un On Sekizinci İşaret’inde denildiği gibi nasıl kulaklı âmî tabakası i’caz-ı Kur’an fehminde demiş: Kur’an, bütün dinlediğim ve dünyada mevcud kitaplara kıyas edilse hiçbirisine benzemiyor ve onların derecesinde değildir. Öyle ise ya Kur’an umumun altındadır veya umumun fevkinde bir derecesi vardır. Umumun altındaki şık ise muhal olmakla beraber, hiçbir düşman hattâ şeytan dahi diyemez ve kabul etmez. Öyle ise Kur’an, umum kitapların fevkindedir. Öyle ise mu’cizedir.

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In just the same way, we say according to the categorical proof called “residue,” taken from the sciences of method and logic:
Aynen öyle de biz de ilm-i usûl ve fenn-i mantıkça sebr ü taksim denilen en kat’î hüccetle deriz:

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“O Satan and O disciples of Satan! The Qur’an is either the Word of God, come from the supreme throne of God and His Greatest Name, or, God forbid, and again, God forbid, it is a human forgery fabricated on earth by someone without belief who neither feared God nor knew Him. In the face of the above proofs, O Satan, you can neither say that, nor could you have said it, nor will you be able to say it in the future. Therefore, the Qur’an is the Word of the Creator of the universe. Because there is no point between the two; it is impossible and  precluded that there should be. And we have proved it most clearly and decisively; and you have seen it and heard it.
Ey şeytan ve ey şeytanın şakirdleri! Kur’an, ya arş-ı a’zamdan ve ism-i a’zamdan gelmiş bir kelâmullahtır veyahut –hâşâ sümme hâşâ yüz bin kere hâşâ– yerde Allah’tan korkmaz ve Allah’ı bilmez, itikadsız bir beşerin düzmesidir. Bu ise ey şeytan! Sâbık hüccetlere karşı bunu sen diyemezsin ve diyemezdin ve diyemeyeceksin. Öyle ise bizzarure ve bilâ-şüphe Kur’an, Hâlık-ı kâinat’ın kelâmıdır. Çünkü ortası yoktur ve muhaldir ve olamaz. Nasıl ki kat’î bir surette ispat ettik, sen de gördün ve dinledin.

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