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Yirmi Altıncı Mektup/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Then someone appears intending to solve the dispute between the two communities. He says to Satan’s Party: “You inauspicious group! If the supreme mu’ezzin’s position was at the bottom of the well, he would have been as lifeless, inanimate, and powerless as a stone. It could not have been him who appeared on the well’s steps and minaret’s degrees. Since you saw him on the latter, he is certain not to be powerless and lifeles..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Now, the battlefield of these two opposing groups is the long distance stretching from the top of the minaret to the bottom of the well. The people of light, called God’s Party, point out the mu’ezzin at the top of the minaret to those with a lofty view. And to those whose sight cannot rise that far and to the short-sighted, they point him out on a step each according to his degree. A slight hint is enough for them, proving that the mu’ezzin is..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Then someone appears intending to solve the dispute between the two communities. He says to Satan’s Party: “You inauspicious group! If the supreme mu’ezzin’s position was at the bottom of the well, he would have been as lifeless, inanimate, and powerless as a stone. It could not have been him who appeared on the well’s steps and minaret’s degrees. Since you saw him on the latter, he is certain not to be powerless and lifeles..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
479. satır: 479. satır:
As for the other  group,  known  as  Satan’s  Party,  they  pronounce  stupidly:  “Show  him  to everyone at the top of the minaret, or else his place is the bottom of the well.” In their folly they do not know that he is not shown to everyone at the  top of the minaret because everyone’s sight does not rise that far. Also, in exaggerated  fashion, they want to claim possession of the whole distance with the exception of the top of the minaret.
As for the other  group,  known  as  Satan’s  Party,  they  pronounce  stupidly:  “Show  him  to everyone at the top of the minaret, or else his place is the bottom of the well.” In their folly they do not know that he is not shown to everyone at the  top of the minaret because everyone’s sight does not rise that far. Also, in exaggerated  fashion, they want to claim possession of the whole distance with the exception of the top of the minaret.

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Then  someone  appears  intending  to  solve  the  dispute  between  the  two communities.  He says to  Satan’s Party: “You inauspicious group! If the supreme mu’ezzin’s position was at the bottom of the well, he would have been as lifeless, inanimate, and powerless as a stone. It could not have been him who appeared on the well’s steps and minaret’s degrees. Since you saw him on the latter, he is certain not to be powerless and lifeless. His position must be at the top of the minaret. In which case, either show that he is at the bottom of the well – which you can’t, nor can you make anyone believe that he is there – or be silent! The arena of your defence is the well bottom. The remaining space and that long distance is the arena of this blessed community; they have only to point him out somewhere other than at the bottom of the well, to win the case.
İşte o iki cemaatin münakaşasını halletmek için biri çıkar, o hizbü’ş-şeytana der ki: Ey menhus güruh! Eğer o müezzin-i a’zamın makamı kuyu dibi olsa taş gibi camid, hayatsız, kuvvetsiz olmak lâzım gelir. Ve kuyu basamaklarında ve minarenin derecelerinde görünen o olmamak lâzım gelir. Madem öyle görüyorsunuz; elbette o, kuvvetsiz, hakikatsiz, camid olmayacak. Minare başı onun makamı olacak. Öyle ise ya siz onu kuyu dibinde göstereceksiniz –ki hiçbir cihette bunu gösteremezsiniz ve hiçbir kimseye orada bulunmasını dinletemezsiniz– veyahut susunuz! Meydan-ı müdafaanız kuyu dibidir. Sair meydan ve uzun mesafe ise şu mübarek cemaatin meydanıdır; kuyu dibinden başka, o zatı nerede gösterseler davayı kazanırlar.

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