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Yirmi Üçüncü Söz/en: Revizyonlar arasındaki fark

"Yes, O man! In regard to your vegetable physical being and animal soul, you are a deaf particle, a contemptible atom, a needy creature, a weak animal, who, tossed on the awesome waves of the flood of beings, is departing. But being perfected through the light of belief, which comprises the radiance of Divine love, and through the training of Islam, which is enlightened, in regard to humanity and servitude to God, you are a king, and a universal within pa..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu
("Because for sure you are as though nothing with respect to your soul and form, but from the point of view of duty and rank, you are an observant spectator of this majestic universe, an eloquent, articulate tongue of these beings so full of wisdom, a discerning reader of this book of the universe, a supervisor of these creatures full of wonder at their glorifications, and like a foreman of these beings full of respect for their worship." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
("Yes, O man! In regard to your vegetable physical being and animal soul, you are a deaf particle, a contemptible atom, a needy creature, a weak animal, who, tossed on the awesome waves of the flood of beings, is departing. But being perfected through the light of belief, which comprises the radiance of Divine love, and through the training of Islam, which is enlightened, in regard to humanity and servitude to God, you are a king, and a universal within pa..." içeriğiyle yeni sayfa oluşturdu)
221. satır: 221. satır:
Because for sure you are as though nothing with respect to your soul and form, but from the point of view of duty and rank, you are an observant spectator of this majestic universe, an eloquent, articulate tongue of these beings so full of wisdom, a discerning reader of this book of the universe, a supervisor of these creatures full of wonder at their glorifications, and like a foreman of these beings full of respect for their worship.
Because for sure you are as though nothing with respect to your soul and form, but from the point of view of duty and rank, you are an observant spectator of this majestic universe, an eloquent, articulate tongue of these beings so full of wisdom, a discerning reader of this book of the universe, a supervisor of these creatures full of wonder at their glorifications, and like a foreman of these beings full of respect for their worship.

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Yes, O man! In regard to your vegetable physical being and animal soul, you are a deaf particle, a contemptible atom, a needy creature, a weak animal, who, tossed on the awesome waves of the flood of beings, is departing. But being perfected through the light of belief, which comprises the radiance of Divine love, and through the training of Islam, which is enlightened, in regard to humanity and servitude to God, you are a king, and a universal within particularity, and within your insignificance, a world, and within your contemptibility, a supervisor of such high rank and extensive sphere that you can say: “My  Compassionate Sustainer has made the world a house for me, the sun and moon lamps for it, and the spring, a bunch of flowers for me, and summer, a table of bounties, and the animals, He has made my servants. And He has made plants the decorated furnishings of my house.”
Evet ey insan! Sen, nebatî cismaniyetin cihetiyle ve hayvanî nefsin itibarıyla sağir bir cüz, hakir bir cüz’î, fakir bir mahluk, zayıf bir hayvansın ki bütün dehşetli mevcudat-ı seyyalenin dalgaları içinde çalkanıp gidiyorsun. Fakat muhabbet-i İlahiyenin ziyasını tazammun eden imanın nuruyla münevver olan İslâmiyet’in terbiyesiyle tekemmül edip; insaniyet cihetinde, abdiyetin içinde bir sultansın ve cüz’iyetin içinde bir küllîsin, küçüklüğün içinde bir âlemsin ve hakaretin içinde öyle makamın büyük ve daire-i nezaretin geniş bir nâzırsın ki diyebilirsin: “Benim Rabb-i Rahîm’im dünyayı bana bir hane yaptı. Ay ve güneşi, o haneme bir lamba; ve baharı, bir deste gül; ve yazı, bir sofra-i nimet; ve hayvanı, bana hizmetkâr yaptı. Ve nebatatı, o hanemin ziynetli levazımatı yapmıştır.”

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